Chapter 3: Mines of Mandalore

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Redemption is no longer possible since the destruction of our homeworld.

But what if the mines of Mandalore still exist?

If I visit the planet and I can bring your proof that I have bathed in the Living Waters, then by Creed, I would be redeemed.

The songs of eons past foretold of the Mythosaur rising to herald a new age of Mandalore.

Have you ever heard of Bo-Katan Kryze?

Bo-Katan Kyrze was born of a mighty house, but they lost sight of the Way.

She once laid claim to rule Mandalore based purely on blood and the sword you now possess.

Her rule ended in tragedy.

I may have taken the life of a smuggler, but I was reforged by war and emerged a Mandalorian. Not by blood, but by action and Creed.

Whenever the covert need me, call and I will answer.

Bo-Katan, I am going to Mandalore.

That planet has been ravaged, plundered, and poisoned.

There's nothing left.

Child of both worlds. Come to the Mines, recite the Jedi Code, and submit to the waters.

I await you.


Sitting in her fighter as they both were flying through hyperspace. Silya was meditating once more, connecting to the Force once more.

Everything melted away as she was sitting in the mines once more, only this time the saber was before her.

But a wail catches her attention, making her turn her head as slushing water follows.

She flutters her eyes open, seeing the mines she was sitting in, an inscription on the wall, written in Mando'a and she looks before her, seeing the hilt of the darksaber left before her.

The water slushes again, louder this time with a wave. Silya flicks her eyes at the water. Hearing the wail again as it echos off the walls.

She slowly stood to her, suddenly lost of armor, and slowly strolled towards the waters.

No fear or joy echoed inside her as she stared blankly at the waters. Slowly stepping into the cold waters, feeling nothing rise inside her she takes a moment to breath and takes that step, plunging into the waters and sinking.

She blinked, waiting for the bubbles to clear for a moment, and heard the wail once more, she turned herself in the waters and saw a creature appear from the shadows.

Silya's eyes widen as the beast is huge inside and legendary, she stares in awe as the beast meets her eyes. This causes her to lose her breath and shut her eyes.

Inhaling loudly, Silya snapped her eyes open and was back in her fight, taking the moment as she tried to catch her breath. Her communicator went off and she stood to her feet and answered. "I'm here," she answers.

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