(8)Have you seen Y/N?

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"Hey, Y/N! Don't be a fool, you might get caught by the cops!" Stone yelled wandering along the path.
Stone looked around, trying to find any trace of Y/N, but to no avail. It was as if she had never run through here at all, as if she did not exist at all. He lost her on these streets. "No... No, no, no, no... Damn." Stone mumbled to himself. Why is this happening to him? Why not with Skipp, or Vinnie, or someone else? Why with him? Why did fate do this to him?
Stone ran towards those abandoned buildings where Y/N saw that corpse. What if she ran through there? Stone examined every corner of this abandoned area. Y/N was nowhere to be found. As expected. She would never return to a place where there is only a feeling of hopelessness, where it is deathly quiet.
He looked out the window of the house where this corpse lay that had scared Y/N so much. "Stupid corpse. Did you really die here just to scare people?" Stone mumbled irritably and kicked the tin can that contained the cockroach, and it flew away along with that can. Stone made a sound of disgust.
"Why the hell did I even open my mouth." Stone muttered under his breath. Stone was still hoping to find Y/N.


Y/N wandered down the street. She didn't know these streets at all, because the guys didn't show her these streets. "And where am I?" Y/N thought.
Evening was coming and it was starting to get colder. Y/N was already starting to regret running away. Y/N had tears running down her cheeks, she was already starting to think that she would die here on the streets, just like that man. But Y/N didn't want to end like that. "I don't want to die like this... Although I can see my dad faster this way..." Y/N said quietly to herself and looked at the sky.
Some two guys were passing by and they saw Y/N. One of them whistled. "Hey, baby, are you lost? Don't know where your home is?" One of them started with a playful smile. "Look, man, she's homeless!" The second one said. "It's okay, we can take her over and show her a wonderful time." The guy said. "Come here, baby." He added, beckoning her with his finger.
Y/N was taken aback, she felt so disgusted because of these perverts. Y/N stood up from the ground and ran away from them. She could still hear those idiots.
"Hey baby, where are you going? We just wanted to have fun." One guy said after her.
Y/N ran in a direction unknown to her. Tears flowed like a river from her eyes. She so wanted to go home now, she wanted to sleep in a comfortable bed, eat normal food, wash off all this dirt, all the sweat.
Her desires and thoughts are so changeable now.

After 3 minutes, Y/N reached a dead end. She was about to turn around, but heard someone's steps. Were these Stone's steps? Vinnie's? Skipp's? She hoped so. But unfortunately no. It was a policeman. Y/N stood close to the wall.
"Well, well, well. Here's one of the street rats. So those two guys weren't lying." The policeman said.

Stone was still looking for Y/N. He even despaired. But then he heard some guys.
"She's so weird, she just ran away." One guy said. "And what did she do that even the policeman was looking for her?" He added and laughed.
Stone ran up to them and grabbed the guy by the collar. "She? What did you say to the policeman? Where is she? Where did she run?!" Stone asked.
The guy almost fell when Stone grabbed him by the collar. "Whoa whoa, man! What did she do to you that you keep looking for her?" He asked.
"Just answer. Where is She?!" Stone said.
"She ran there. Just don't hit me!" The guy said, pointing in the direction where Y/N ran.
Stone ran in there, letting go of the guy's collar, and he fell. His friend helped him up. "He's crazy." He said.
Stone ran as fast as he could. And finally got to Y/N. He saw the policeman take out handcuffs and was ready to chain them in them. Stone looked around the floor and found an empty bottle. He took it and quietly walked up behind the policeman, swung it and hit him on the head. The policeman fell unconscious.
Y/N looked at Stone, she was still crying. Stone dropped the broken bottle and walked up to her. "It's okay. Just don't run away anymore." Stone said, trying to calm her down, but it didn't work.
She covered her face with her hands and began to sob some more.
Stone sighed and walked closer to her. Not knowing how else to calm her down, he hesitantly and awkwardly hugged her.
Y/N removed her hands from her face and hugged Stone back, burying her face in his chest.
Stone patted Y/N on the back lightly. "Come on, get up, we need to go to the 'lair'." Stone said and helped Y/N to stand up.

They walked in complete silence. But now Stone has broken the silence. "I'm sorry I yelled at you." Stone said.
Y/N wiped her tears with her hand. "Forgive me, I shouldn't have forced my friendship on you." She said.
They walked along the road to the 'lair'. Finally they arrived. "Well, we're kind of there." Stone said.
Y/N looked at the alley where Vinnie, Skipp and Stone lived. The fire was already burning in the barrel, and Vinnie and Skipp themselves were already asleep.
"It looks like it took us too long to get there." Y/N said with a small smile, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
Stone walked over and went to bed next to the guys. They all slept under the same blanket.
Y/N looked at Stone. "Um... Where should I sleep?" Y/N asked.
"Where you want." Stone said.
Y/N walked over to Stone and lay down next to him. "Good night." Y/N said, covering herself with the shared blanket.
"Yeah, good night." Stone said sleepily.
Y/N turned her back to Stone, closed her eyes and fell asleep.


Yo, you can ask me questions in the comments if you are interested in anything about this story or about me. I'll try to answer.(I won't make a special chapter because I don't want to break away from the story and think it just doesn't fit here. So I'll just answer your comments with questions.)

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