Frustrated | NINE

369 16 4

FEBRUARY 18th 2012
11:45 AM.

DIOR HAS BEEN WAITING ON HER BOYFRIEND FOR HOURS, he hasn't been calling her nor texting her back, her beats fast becuase she don't know what's going on.

She is scared and dior had tears in her eyes dried up ones. Somebody knocked on her door and she told them to come in." Come in.." Softly saying with the covers over her body and head.

Somebody came in sitting on her bed rubbing her waist smoothly." Sweetie? Why you acting like this. Talk to me.." she sighs knowing it was her mother who just spoke to her. Dior didn't feel like talking to anyone. She was so hurt, she didn't know if LA was dead or alive.

Nobody wasn't telling her nothing at all. Not even her best friend gotti and that's weird. " it's Leonard, mama." She said softly underneath her covers as she cries even harder. Her mother sighs grabbing something from her pocket.

It was her phone. She called someone making it ring out louder for dior to hear. The person answered with music playing louder and people talking, it got lower." Hello? Leonard where the hell you at? Making my fucking daughter cry and shit." He sighs on the other line.

Gotti had asked who was it making him answered' my baby. It's her mother.' Elena had sighs as she continued her conversation with him.

"You can't just call on her or anything but wanna hang with gotti? Listen Leonard. I love you and gotti but at least have some respect for your fucking girlfriend. You being weird. Her ass been crying for yo stupid for hours now. You didn't call nor gotti." Elena said.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what to do." Leonard sighs shaking his head and rubbing his dreads. She hang up calling his mother. She shakes her head can't be lie with Dior mother had finished talking before they had hung up the phone.

Elena rubs her daughter waist as she continues to cry. Dior had got up asking her mother questions." What happen if he cheating me? Or what happened if he did something regret? What happen if he gotten hurt and not saying stuff?" Elena grab her daughter hugging her even more.

Somebody knocked on the door softly. Elena told her daughter she will be back and opened the door downstairs. Somebody came in Dior room even though it was dark.

 Somebody came in Dior room even though it was dark

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"Baby? Where is you at. And why the fuck is dark as fuck in here? It smell like fucking McDonald's... ewww." He said feeling on the bed so he could feel where she is at. He finally did and grab her waist hugging her.

She cries in his neck finally feeling it was her boyfriend. She holds him tightly never wanting him to leave her. Leonard had gave her the same energy back." What's the matter, butt butt?" He said kissing her lips.

"Because. I was frustrated about you and it seemed like you didn't care enough to even call or text me even gotti. Like you my boyfriend and she my best friend. Is y'all having sex?" Dior whispered the last words truthfully about her words.

Leonard immediately pushed her back talking by her words. He can't believe what she said out her mouth, he would never hit that shit. In his life. That's his best friend too. Why would they have sex after she was the one that put him on with Dior.

Dior not mathing up and it's getting him upset by her. "What the fuck is you talking about, dior? Now you know if i did cheated on you, I would never been around you. Like how I am right now. So what made you say that shit. And plus I love you too much for that shit. You my girl, my world, my other half, my heart, the love of my life."  Dior bust out crying and again, she just couldn't take the pain anymore.

She know it was his first time doing this but she thought he was dead, Leonard heart break into millions of pieces after hearing his girl cries out for him. He just been busy and her showing this truthfully hurted him, it's all because he too damn busy over his music then his girlfriend. Dior banks.

"I'm sorry baby. Is there anyway you want me to make it up," She nods her head sniffing and he rubs her back pecking her lips five times." I want some McDonald's, please." Lessens shake his head smiling.

"Okay, butt butt. Imma give you some McDonald's." He said getting out her bed but she pulled him back. LA knew what she was talking about so he grab her like a baby and hold her like one too. She smiles in his neck kissing it.

They walked downstairs with his mom and her mom." Finally.. it took y'all fifty minutes." Dedra said and they laughed.

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