Mukammal (Epilogue)

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The screech of wheels on the tiled floor never bothered her, not even distracting her from staring at the ceiling with a wide-eyed wonder

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The screech of wheels on the tiled floor never bothered her, not even distracting her from staring at the ceiling with a wide-eyed wonder. The patterns and designs created an intricate pattern she had missed on their arrival. The bustling airport was filled with rigorous announcements calling latecomers, delivering updates and schedule changes, and running various advertisement campaigns that now she could name and sing along. The chatter of passengers, although buzzing and irritating, never held her back from grinning at strangers and waving at little dumplings being carried around by stressed parents. She wondered if having a kid could make a vacation feel like a chore. Not that she was going to think a lot about it. 

"Eyes infront, Ini." Rahil reminded her for the fifth time they had entered the airport.

"How could I not see this beauty before?" She wondered to herself, not caring about the glare shot her way.

"Look infront, Inara." Oh, full name.

She had to listen now but a change in the ceiling design made her halt.

"We will be late." Grumbling, Rahil nudged her to keep walking as they glided in the midst of it all, navigating their way through the maze of check-in counters, security checks, and boarding gates with as much grace as that of an Orangutan on a circular swing.

Her man was annoyed beyond understanding. He was always the epitome of focus and efficiency, yet today he was jittery, apprehensive, and alarmed. One hand on her elbow, with another he held their carry-on luggage. While there was a small tote bag she had kept for some essentials, his had his beloved laptop.

Not the one she had glared at as a newly married, this one was a slim-fit Mac she had gifted him on their third anniversary. The CTO of Zariy needed an upgrade.

Yup, the man had succeeded after years of relentless hard work. It was only a dream come true for her to read his name in the Forbes list of 100 budding entrepreneurs. She had witnessed him putting days, nights, and even dawns at times he had faced a challenge. He may have coaxed her into sleeping but he stayed awake until he had achieved his goals.

Now, Zariy was a Unicorn with its massive market size and penetration in the Indian subcontinent.

Not that he gave in to her pleas or threats. After 4 years of marriage, Inara was still working for someone else as an assistant Manager on her way to another promotion but nowhere close to being his CMO.

The man wouldn't budge.

"Inara, could you please be careful while walking?" he chided, pulling her away from a couple busy in talking. They could have bumped into her.

"It wasn't my fault. They bumped into me." She huffed complaining, scowling childishly when it was her fault too. Not that she was going to admit it. Because, if she did this man would be carrying her across the airport irrespective of the eyes and words that will follow them. He was already acting like a protective bear around her.

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