Winds of Change

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The Elapsed Era:

Chitraratha turned back and froze at the sight of Bhagadatta priming the catapult to attack the prince and his cavalry. In a few seconds, the device would hurl the iron balls at them. In a bid to cut short his partner, Chitraratha shot an arrow at Bhagadatta. The arrow hit Bhagadatta in his neck. Chitraratha rushed to stop the device from attacking the prince. As soon as he pulled the catapult to a halt, he turned to Bhagadatta in apology. The sight he met terrified him.

Bhagadatta was on the ground, a pool of blood forming around his head. Shuddering with horror, Chitraratha tried to elicit a response from his partner and when Bhagadatta did not stir, he checked his pulses. A terror-stricken Chitraratha realized that his arrow had slashed an artery in Bhagadatta's neck. He tried to resuscitate his partner to bring him back to life. None of his methods or efforts or spells worked. Bhagadatta was dead, killed by his own partner.

Other kinaras came rushing and froze in consternation. One of the Kinara soldiers hurried to the highland to inform his army.


Amogha stared at the lifeless form of Bhagadatta in stunned dismay. Chitraratha confessed to the events preceding the death of Bhagadatta to all Kinaras and Yakshas assembled there. Sujhan, their commander-in-chief narrated to the shocked gathering, the arrival of the prince of Alaka to rescue Hanneli and how the prince had declared Chitraratha as the leader of the Kinaras.

The funeral of Bhagadatta was concluded in solemn silence and Chitraratha was officially made the leader of the Kinaras. Amogha and his tribe participated in the ceremony of crowning their leader and he congratulated the new chieftain following the tradition.

Chitraratha took Amogha aside and revealed, "Yaksha Amogha, I am glad that your daughter is safe. I was not in favour of abducting her. We, Kinaras will move to Daitva forest shortly and we will divide our time between Mandara and Daitva according to the season. Hereafter, there will be no more clashes over Saugandhika Forest."

On their return journey, Amogha was saddened by the demise of his old friend and rival Bhagadatta and mourned his loss. Although he had been furious that Bhagadatta had kidnapped Hanneli, he had not wished death upon him.

But what astounded him was how the prince of Alaka had arrived to rescue Hanneli. It surprised him but also worried him.

Sighing at the turn of events, he looked forward to the festival of forest that he would be conducting in a couple of days.


"Ekveer, how can you defy your father and go in search of a Yakshi like that? Don't you remember you are betrothed to Sadhana?" his mother berated him for his adventure at Mandara.

"Mother, I went to rescue her. She had been taken away by Kinaras."

"How did you know that? And how does it matter to you? You could have sent your troops to rescue her. Why did you have to go in person? Why did you have to get involved? Don't you know...?"

Ekveer cut in, "I love her, mother...."

His confession startled his mother, his grand aunt who was resting in the chamber, and his father who had just then entered. They stared at him aghast.

"Ekveer, what did you just say?" his father demanded.

"I said I love Hanneli, Yaksha Amogha's daughter."

"Are you out of your mind? You are engaged to the princess of Vindhash, Ekveer. Have you forgotten that?"

"No, I haven't and I want to break the engagement."

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