The Prophecy

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The Elapsed Era:

"I can't reveal the Prophecy son. You will have to take my word and promise to leave Hanneli alone."

"Yaksha Amogha, please understand that I would do anything to protect Hanneli."

"I know but you can't be with her, Ekveer."

"I will not let go of Hanneli until you tell me what the prophecy is. I have to know what it is."

Amogha gave a shuddering sigh and sat on the grassy banks. Staring at the river he said in hushed tones, "Alaka will be destroyed, son! All of us will be crushed under its fatal stars." He refrained from revealing his worst fear; that the prince's birth on the black moon night could be the harbinger of Alaka's destiny.

"And unless you tell me what it is, I cannot strive to bring a change," Ekveer sought clarity from his mentor.

"It is written on the sands of this land...that Alaka will fall apart and finally be destroyed by the great storm when uncorrupted love that transcends all barriers, perishes mercilessly..."

For a moment, Ekveer did not comprehend the meaning of it but then it began to make sense and he was jubilant. Eagerly, he said, "Yaksha Amogha, the prophecy mentions uncorrupted love. Hanneli and I love each other wholeheartedly. Isn't that enough to change the destiny of Alaka?"

Amogha grimaced at the naivety of the young prince, " one can change the destiny of Alaka. Even if your love is uncorrupted, you will not be allowed to live in peace. There are enemies all around us. The king of Vindhash would be furious at you for betraying his daughter and the king of Khandvas would take advantage and lay claim to the future city, Alakapuri. It would be the first one to go down. Even if I want you and Hanneli to be united, others like your own father will not allow you to be together. Since your love cannot be fulfilled, the prophecy will come true."

"Yaksha Amogha, you see a defeated future for Alaka whereas I see our uncorrupted love as a conquering will for Alaka. It has crossed barriers and I think it is time to let Alaka know that no one can separate us."

"Have you forgotten the queen's curse? You are not destined to be with Hanneli..." Amogha reiterated and then very softly he murmured, "At least not now..."

Ekveer's sharp senses picked up his mentor's last words, "What do you mean at least not now...?"

"Nothing of importance...anyway remember the queen's curse. Something or someone would make certain that you and Hanneli are never together..."

"If they do, they will never see Hanneli or me on this land anymore..." an undaunted Ekveer declared.

Amogha gasped at the prophetic words of Ekveer; releasing Amogha from his uncompromising tangled thoughts...An unholy chain of speculations began to assail him. The Present swirled and dissolved in the waters of River Yakshagni and his intuition triggered a distant future that 'Time' was chasing to capture. Gazing at the river, his clairvoyant abilities leapt many moons forward. He foresaw an epoch of time where his daughter would be alone, not with the prince; not in the city of Alakapuri and not in the kingdom of Alaka but somewhere that the river took them; like it had taken Yakshi Manohara and the king to another period. Even though the star-crossed lovers then had failed to unite, Amogha was certain that Hanneli and Ekveer would find each other and fulfil the promise that his ancestor had given to River Yakshagni...Till then, the Great Storm would have to wait...

Deep in thought, Amogha was not aware of Ekveer talking to him until he was prompted by the prince. Coming back to the present, he focussed on Ekveer, trying to understand what he was saying, "I will go to Vindhash and personally apologize to the king on behalf of my family. I will talk to Sadhana and clear the matter."

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