Farewell to Alaka

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The Elapsed Era:

"Father, what is it that you want us to do?" Hanneli asked, her gaze distracted by the sea of flames. The air grew heavy and her father started coughing. Many Yakshas hovered around them, hoping to find an escape from the blaze with the guidance of Yaksha Amogha.

"Hanneli, my dear, what I am asking is for you both to dive into the river and be carried away by the currents to another place and time; a newer world. To reach that point in time, you have to journey through the wormhole."

The silence around them quivered in fear. Even the candescence of the roaring blaze seemed to dim. What Amogha was asking of his daughter and the prince of Alaka, staggered the Yakshas who had knowledge of the prophecy.

"Are you asking us to bid farewell to Alaka? If we plunge into the waters, we may never return," Ekveer asked, grasping Hanneli's wrist with a sinking feeling.

"Look at the blaze Ekveer. Do you think you have a chance to escape from this? It is probably destiny's doing; it wants you both to leave this land and travel to another time," Amogha replied with a heavy heart.

"Yaksha Amogha, you know many tricks, why don't you make all of us disappear?"

"Yakshas are children of woods. The only thing we cannot control is fire. As guardians of the forest, we can surface unhurt but we cannot direct the fire to spare others. Whoever set the forest on fire knew this. In retrospect, I am certain that the prophecy was written for you. Yakshi Manohara and your ancestor, the king too had taken the very same route to escape from Alaka. But unfortunately, they did not meet in the other world."

"Pardon me for asking but how do you know that they did not meet?"

Amogha gave a wan smile at Ekveer's question, "They did not meet therefore Alaka was ravaged by the Great Storm and they failed to unite because the love they shared was not uncorrupted."

"Where did they not meet? Please explain Yaksha Amogha. We are yet to understand you. Are you talking about the future or the past? Or is it another parallel universe you are pointing at?"

"As I told you, the river conceals a wormhole. Yakshas are the only ones who are aware of it and we make certain that the outside world does not learn of this mystery. This wormhole will take you to some point in time, most probably in the future. In that eon, if your love does not perish mercilessly, Alaka would be saved."

"What about you, father? And other Yakshas?" Hanneli inquired.

Glancing at Hanneli, he answered her question, "We are the guardians of this forest. Do not worry about us."

"You are asking me to leave you, father," Hanneli implored in a trembling voice, the thought of leaving her father alone in the burning coppice was unthinkable and unforgivable to her. Emotionally disrupted, she rushed into his arms seeking protection.

"Hanneli is right. We cannot leave you here," Ekveer pressed.

"Do not worry about me. The spirit of Hanneli's mother will guide me. You and Hanneli are born for much greater things. Do not disregard your duties for my sake. Saugandhika will not let me down. Be assured of that," Amogha's unreal assurance did not convince Hanneli.

"Ekveer, you will leave your sword and amulet here so that everyone will think that you died in the fire. We cannot reveal the river's secret to the world. There will be mayhem then."

Ekveer dropped the scabbard and amulet on the ground. The sword in the scabbard had his name engraved on it. He also discarded the long red coat he wore. He was ready to descend into another lifetime with Hanneli. The war had left him distraught. He was not meant to kill men for power. Maybe in a distant period in history, he might reign and enjoy absolute power; but not in Alaka.

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