Chapter 6: It's Literally Kidnapping!

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"Come with me!"

Nathan said, grabbing Eva's arm, and she followed him.

They both entered his car, and Nathan drove off swiftly.

"What did you do that for!? What kind of stunt did you pull out there, Nathan!?" Eva yelled while Nathan drove.

"Can you relax!? I just saved you again".

"Well, I never asked for saving! I'm not some damsel in distress Nathan!"

"Why are you always so uptight? You needed the money, and I paid for it. The least you could say right now is thank you".

"I never told you to do that!"

"Well, I did it anyway!"

Nathan yelled, and Eva was surprised he did that.

She turned to face the window in annoyance, folding her arms to her chest.

The car ride was silent afterwards, and the silence made Eva sleep off.

°~An hour later...°~

"Wake up Eva!" Nathan said, patting her shoulder a little.

She yawned a little, before taking a moment to study her surroundings.

Nathan parked his vehicle in the compound of an enormous mansion. There were a variety of cars parked around the compound, and bodyguards surrounded the place too.

When they came down from the car, Eva suddenly grew furious.

"Where are we!?" Eva asked, angrily.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Eva. This is where you'd be living from now on".

"What!? I didn't tell you I want to live here!"

"Relax, okay? You have your own room, and your personal maid. I already informed them of your arrival while you were asleep earlier".

"But, I'm not with any of my stuff! Just my phone, Nathan!"

"If it's your clothes you're worried about, don't worry. I've taken care of that already. You have a whole new wardrobe".

"Take me back home!"

"I can't do that, Eva. You can't live there. I promise you'd be well taken care of here".

"How could you bring me to your home without my consent!?

"I'm sorry. You..."

"Take me back home, now!" Eva yelled, but Nathan paid no attention to her.

Instead, he headed inside, not uttering another word.

Two men suddenly approached her. They looked like bodyguards.

"Let's go inside miss". One of the men said, but Eva responded with an eye roll.

"Don't make us resort to using force". The other man said, and this time, Eva spoke up.

"Tell your boss to come take me back home! I don't want to live here! He brought me here without my consent! It's literally kidnapping!"

Just then, one of the men carried Eva on his back, while the other man followed from behind.

"Hey! Put me down! Let me go!" Eva yelled, hitting the man continuously, but his face remained stiffened, and he didn't flinch, nor listen to her pleas.

The bodyguard took her upstairs, and dropped her on a bed.

The other bodyguard just stared at her without any particular expression, and then, they both left.

"Let me out of here!" Eva yelled. She attempted to stand up from the bed and leave the room, but the bodyguards locked the door.

"Ugh!!" Eva scoffed.

She sat on the comfy bed, extremely furious. She placed her two palms on her forehead, contemplating on what to do next.

'What is Nathan playing at!? Why would he bring me to his own house!?' Eva thought.

Deep down in her heart, Eva was grateful that Nathan had brought her out of that house, but even if she had prayed to leave so badly, she didn't expect it to be so early.

As she sat there lost in her thoughts, a knock on the door startled her, bringing her back to reality.

"Whoever you are, get lost!" Eva yelled furiously.

"Miss, I'm Amy. Your personal maid. Sir Nathan sent me to you". A lady said from behind the room door.

"Get lost! To hell with you and your f*cking boss!" Eva yelled angrily.

"Miss, Sir Nathan specifically instructed me to bring some food for you. Can I come in?"

"First of all, I don't need your f*cking food! And secondly, it's of no use. The door is locked. Your almighty boss sent his minions to lock me in".

"I'll be back, miss".

"Whatever". Eva said, and Amy left.

Few moments after Amy left, Eva took some time to look around the room she was in. The room was well-furnished. It was painted with a mixed shade of cream and brown, which contrasted Eva's personality. Although, she liked it.

There was a large TV hanging pretty on the wall, and a large vanity was placed by its side.

A chair and a table were placed at a corner of the room, and the bathroom was massive too.

"Hmm. Not bad". Eva said silently to herself.

Amy returned, and opened the room door.

"Here miss. Have something to eat". She said, placing a large tray of food before Eva.

"I told you I don't want your food!"

"But miss..."

"Get out and carry your food with you!" Eva ordered, and the maid left in a hurry.

°~Twenty minutes later...°~

Nathan barged into Eva's room almost immediately.

"What the hell!? Can't you knock!? What if I was naked!?" Eva yelled angrily.

"Why can't you understand that I'm doing all of this for your own good, Eva? Why!?"

"I didn't ask for it, Nathan! Take me back home or I'm going to call the cops! You kidnapped me!"

"Really?" Nathan scoffed. The cops? You can go ahead and try, Eva. I'm doing this to protect you. Or, do you prefer going back to your so-called home!? Is that place really a home to you!?"

Nathan asked angrily, and Eva was suddenly taken aback by his words.

'He was right. That place wasn't a home. Infact, I was a slave there. If I go back, what am I going back to?' Eva thought.


Eva tried to say, but Nathan interrupted her.

"Now, you listen to me Eva," he started, his voice deep, yet commanding.

"Amy brought some food for you, and I want you to eat it. And when you're done with it, come downstairs. We need to talk".

Nathan said coldly, and left the room, slamming the door behind him.

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