running in the devil's cave

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"ahh... Pl-please... Sl-slow d-down mas..ter....! AHHH...

A girl in her 20s , screamed in tight pain... Getting fucked by a man in his late 40s. Who continue to thrust in her**

"Shut up bitch, if you can't moan then just shut the FUCK up and let me enjoy.!!
   Fucking slut!!

The man said smacking her ass cheek, pulling her hair painfully. She cried in full pain, Just then buzzing of phone can be heared in the room...

"This bastards can't even let me enjoy!

Ignoring that he continued his work.
The call got ignored 4 times!
5 mins later sm1 knock on the door. The man groned in frustration and left her...

"Collect your thing and leave ASAP!!!"

Opening the door a gurd approached him worrily. tension can be seen on his face...;

"Sir, we are under attack, this whole property has been taken over by the devil... SK..!"

The gurd informed to the man!

"WHAT!!! H-HOW..??*glup*

The man started shivering badly, knowing what's coming.., DEFINITELY HE WOULD..

"Don't know sir! Someone leaked the information...We have to be out off this place as soon as possible"

The man wore his clothes and left to the stage hall of the club, BUT
Withnessing the sence infront of him, he got froze in his spot.

"Going somewhere in hurry firoz?? Let's have a talk, shall we?.."

His blood ran all cold hearing that devil's deep heavy voice. He gulp hard his legs started shaking knowing the upcoming danger...!!

The man fallon his knees. Infront of him sits the king man-spreading his legs playing with a tool called screwdriver!

"K-ing.. please, ple-please forgive m-me pl-please, I -i didn't they all we-re your-s....i-im sorry pl.z.."

"Yeah, that's the point... You should know first what. You. Are. TOUCHING!!
And when you saw fucking SK, YOU FUCKING RUN "

Roaring on his face he grabbed his hairs fistly. He drilled the the tool into his left eye...the man cried in great pain!

"And you even dare to fucking sold them huh...!? You fucking sold my 30 milion dollars weapons **grabbing the gun he shoots his right eye**FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT..!

Tugging the gun in his waistband he fixed his jacket and signaled his guard

"Seel his all property and dought the papers..."

With that he left from there, behind the whole force of gurds!.

                     TIME SKIPS

Many more cars stops at the entrance of a big ass, NO...Not a mansion a whole fucking palace.
Soon the cars gets inside the property. The man furiously got out of the car and made his way inside:

"I think we have to pay a visit to Anderson's, he has join his hands with maroon's and they are planing for a war
against us.."

*Jack, one of the trusted man of SK said
to the king..who just came out of his room after freshing up!.
SK smirked hearing that...

"Yeahh we will, after all he is my dearest enemy.,


Underworld name SK~
-sharon kerkhoff

height- 6'12.2

28 y/o..

status- multi billionaire,mafia or the devil king of underworld...feared by everyone, anger on his nose peak, hella handsome,girls are head over heels for him but they don't dare to come in front of him you go near him, you'll burn as he carries hell with himself...LESS TALK MORE ACTION...

Parents- died
Now he is on a mission to take revenge of  his parents death.

He got everything his dad thought him to have, money, position, feared, place...
And most important POWER..(banana)
As raised in a mafia family, he is forbids to take out his emotions. His dad always thaught him to be tough. If he does any single mistake... He gets punishments
Not for any torcher purpose but to make him build more stronger, tougher, ruthless and NO MERCY..

His father was a great mafia...he also want his son to like him... He started to train him from 11
Caz he know if not now, he will need it in future as he is going to be the of him!


Hey chicks and bun, hope you all are good 😊 it was a short chapter but sorry I'll try my best as now days I'm a little busy so...

And do share your thoughts and plz vote if you like...thanku..💋❤️

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