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"He's not a demon, Missy," this god-figure of a human male continued as he approached. His voice caressed my insides and soothed away my chills, "he's part dragon. He breathes lightning, and you've seen the wings. Be careful or he'll snack on you."

This tall, ridiculously X chromosome creature had platinum hair, and alabaster skin smooth as a newborn. Perfect, without blemish. Youthful. Vibrant. Power and the strength of command flowed from his stride. His tantalizing eyes defied limitation. The proof of his station was the sun, and the stars at night. I don't know enough poetry to describe his face, or his body. He mesmerized me for a moment. I mean, I didn't want to have sex with him, but I wouldn't have minded just looking at him for a year or so. He was as tall as the dragon man (the one I might have wanted sex with), about six-three? Maybe? I was five-eight, so it felt like they were that tall.

"I thought I smelt you, Ocean," the dragon man said. "Why are you here?"

"Followed you, Vlad. I followed you. And you are lost."

"So are you," Vlad said.

"I'm never lost, and Missy, I'm a demon. Make sure your grandfather knows the difference when we get you home. Or rather, if we get you home." He turned to face Vlad squarely, "And... what are we doing with the offspring of a child killer?"

Vlad sighed, "I don't know. But we're not taking her back to grandpa, I know that much."

"Why?" Ocean, and I asked at the same time.

"Jinx," Ocean said to me, while giving my bottom a pinch.

"Ouch. That really hurt," I complained while swatting his pilfering hand away.

"You were saying, Vlad?" Ocean asked. Vlad lifted his left hand and showed Ocean his wrist. I looked too.

There was a mark there. It looked like a small triangle with a 'Y' inside. The arms and base of the 'Y' touched the middle of each of the lines of the triangle.

"What is wrong with you people?" Ocean hissed, taking an involuntary step back. "Can none of you control yourselves?"

"It's not a matter of choice," Vlad objected, strongly, as though he was offended. "I was certain I was long past this point. How do you think I feel?"

"Wait," Ocean said, holding up his hand, and then gently pointing at me. "You mean, her, don't you?"

Vlad nodded, and Ocean turned his eyes on me.

His voice softened, "What's your name child?"

Suddenly very self conscious, I composed myself. "Carmen," I told him. "Carmen Murphy."

Ocean nodded, "That is a pleasant name. Do you know what the Enedra are, Carmen?"

I nodded, "My grandfather was born into the Enedra but he quit, and now he's a Christian and shuns the evil ways of the Enedra."

Ocean lifted an eyebrow, and so I added, "Or, that's the way grandpa puts it. I never saw any Enedra doing evil ways. They always seemed kinda quiet and polite to me."

He nodded, then paced away and turned to pace back, "It might interest you to know," Ocean said, his voice still calm, and relaxed, "that isn't just a belief or way of life — it is also what you call a race of people. I believe that Jewish is similar in this world. So, you don't just quit being one."

"Oh, I didn't know that," I said, and then the other shoe dropped, "You're trying to tell me something, right? You're trying to tell me I'm Enedra as well."

"You're quick, that's good," Ocean said, his eyes and cheeks warm and inclusive. "Let's have a look at your left wrist, and find out if I'm correct."

"Mine? Why?" I asked, and then looked at my wrist. I had the same mark. In the same place. "What does that mean?"

Ocean shook his head slowly, then looked up to the darkening sky and the star fields above, "It means we're not going to eat you, so that's a good thing, right?" 

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