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 I choked a little, and took a drink, "Um, yeah, that would be ...huh, what is the mark based on?"

"No idea," he said, shrugging shoulders that were beginning to work magic in my mind — getting in under all the defenses. They were plenty enough to shoulder their way in, too. "Not a clue. The Enedra don't know either. It is supposed to be compatible as partners. Like some sort of perfect union."

"Soul mates?" I offered.

"Something like that, but don't say that around Ocean. He has a very different idea of what that term means," he said, and shook himself. "Much different."

We ate in silence for a while. It wasn't weird or uncomfortable. In fact I began to relax, and even begin to feel a little sleepy.

He finished his third sandwich and offered me one. I shook my head, three slices were enough for me. Sleepiness came around. I closed the box up and put the pie on the dining table. Then checked my room.

It was huge.

I mean, I kind of expected a large room but this was over the top. I could live in this room comfortably. It felt larger than our apartment in Montreal with my roommate, Donna. To the left was a wide pedestal area where they mounted the bed. It was huge as well.

It must have been a king size, I had never seen one before. Why would anyone need a bed that size? Whatever the reason was, it had nothing to do with sleep.

To the right was a full bath, with shower and a separate tub. Ahead was a windowed wall, with a glass sliding door. I looked outside and there was a small balcony.

Outside I looked up at the stars. The clear night let them shine down, and watching several meteors I slipped further into sleepy mode. It was an exhausting day. And then I was showered and asleep.

I knew I was asleep. Which, normally didn't happen.

My head tilted as I watched my dreams come into a long room with humming boxes I thought were meant to symbolize my memory. I could see flashes of what the dream images contained. Some were things that happened during the day. A lot had Vlad as the focal point, I noticed with critical study. But then he did cover a lot of ground in my psyche today. Nearly killed me, then rescued me, bonded to him so keep him close or my head explodes. That would take a bit of sorting out, sure.

Some images came from my past but they were connected. A lot of them were of other... men, I noticed. They swooshed in, and then a scene played with Ocean and Vlad and then it was gone. A moose showed up. It looked at me with surprised eyes and then it was gone. I wondered briefly, if it was it more surprised now?

My day, taken apart, folded and then the pieces were compared to other days, puzzled together in various ways, and then swirled around me to fly off and be sorted. It was chaos but some how it made a particular sense in the ordering and puzzling with other days.

The activity had a mesmerizing, and calming affect. Like, this day wasn't much of a surprise at all, if you saw it properly. It was just another day with more information and more experience. Much like the days I operated on cadavers, and dug through their intestines. I thought that was a strange day too, but it was just another day. Any day sorted out is just like any other day. Mesmerizing. Horrifying too but calming.

After a time I found that I wasn't in the middle of it all any longer. I was above it, and to the side. Standing on a ledge, a stone ledge, I watched it all happening. The ledge was up in some seriously dramatic mountains and peaks. Impossibly threatening. Other than we were too high perhaps, there should have been divine lightening forking between the peaks. I stood on a ledge, while above me and hovering were massive spears of rock and stone jaculating into the sky. What I looked down on was not the valley of death or woe, but my own mind. From here, the melee of images and scenes made even more sense. I could anticipate how pieces would mash up, and puzzle together inside the storm.

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