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I came out of Alicja's room, with a sleeping patient behind me, who now had a clean and packed wound, and no bullet or internal bleeding. Her fever was already down from the aspirin I gave her and the antibiotics. The rest of her vitals were stable.

I needed sleep. At least a nap.

I needed Vlad too.

Finding him semi-snoozing at a table against the wall, I let him snooze and found the king, talking to Liam. Both men stood as I approached.

"She's good," I told him before he could ask.

"Fever is down, meds are working and we don't have to worry about the bullet anymore. I managed to get it out and a small patch of cloth behind it. No complications. I'll want to stay with her for the next couple of days, unless that doesn't work for you. She shouldn't have any issues your medical people can't deal with."

"No, I would very much appreciate your staying, if you are willing," and then to Liam he said. "Don't worry about that morning task. Go home and get some sleep. Take a few days for yourself. You did good work. I enjoyed our talk."

"Thank you, sire," he said, and then gave his king a bow, and then one to me.

"Thank you," I told him. "For all your help."

"My pleasure."

"Now, doctor," Victor said, after we watched Liam walk away. "Vlad has a room ready for you, next to his. He has three such rooms plus his, in the manor, which he has liberty to use as he wishes. How are you feeling?"

"Exhausted, sire."

"Then get some sleep, we'll talk details tomorrow."

"That sounded like you had something you preferred to settle tonight," I offered.

He studied me, and then said, "At some point I'm going to have to ask that you give me your oath."

"My oath?" I asked. "You mean for loyalty and citizenship?"

"Yes," he said. "With Vlad as my Commander..."

"You have it." I said, interrupting him. "What do I say? Where do I sign?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Just like that?"

Maybe I was too tired for this conversation. "I'm bonded to Vlad. Any place that has the sense to call him Commander, in my estimate, is worth my loyalty. I do want to finish my residency in my world. I met a woman, she said her name was Oma Lavinia. She said she could help me with that. After that, I'll have what I need from that world and Vlad and I can talk about us."

He touched his mustache and looked me over. Then nodded his head. "Good. That's all I need tonight. I'll see you at breakfast. I'm sure Vlad has some food for you, and if not he knows where to find it."

"I'll take my leave then, sire. And thank you." I curtsied to him again, and went to talk to Vlad, stifling a yawn as I strolled.

Liam was talking to Uncle Max, and looked like he would rather be anywhere else. I couldn't hear what Max was saying, but I knew a war-story when I saw one. Four hundred years old? That was twice the age of the US, practically. That man had war stories.

Coming up on Vlad I said, "Hey."

I said it softly, before putting my hands on his shoulders and rubbing them. "Can you wake up and talk to me for a moment. The king said you had a room for me and maybe some food."

"That feels very good," he murmured as he sat straighter.

"Happy to do it for you in a bit — after we've talked," I said.

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