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By the time I came through the door, both cousins were running down the hallway, heading for the back room and a large dog was thumping its tail while rolling on its back in front of Carmen. She turned, "They tried to sic' their dog on me."

"They might know who you are then," I surmised.

She put her hands to her mouth, "Oh, yeah, I hadn't thought of that."

A familiar voice from down the hall said, "Yes, yes she can be quite fierce when she sets her mind to it," Ocean said as he walked down the hall from the back room. "Oh my, she is in quite a state..." then he saw me, "and he's ..." then he saw the herald, Liam, "Oh shit," and he turned around to Sean and Mal, and said, "She has a list, she's a doctor you do as she says. This is Queen and Country, boys. It is as serious as it will ever be. Understand?"

Affirmative sounds came from the back room.

"This way Carmen, follow me and I'll explain to them as needed. You just make your list. Did you bring one of the laptops? No, I have a tablet here."

"We still need to locate and keep and eye on their group for when we return," I told Ocean.

"Consider it done. Keep your mind open to me while you're over there and I'll try to send the details. Never tried before, across the Curtainwall, but maybe if I open a door."

"Interesting thought," I agreed. "Worth trying. You're not coming back?"

"Not at this point, no," Ocean said. Then he looked at Carmen, "I believe in her, Carmen I mean. You should do so as well. If she were an enemy, she would do nothing."

"She explained that to me already, it's why we're here," I said.

"This is Alicja, we're talking about, right?" Mal asked over his shoulder.

"Yes," I said.

"Right," he said, and went back to his searching. "This is fairly standard fair for a gunshot wound. Anything on the 'wish list' you don't think we can handle?"

Carmen bit her thumb in thought. "I would love an Ultra Sound, but it would need to be battery operated, wouldn't it? What kind of voltage do you have in Drinem?" she asked.

"Drinem? Where did you hear that name?" I asked. She searched her memory, and then shook her head, "I don't know. What kind of voltage do you have over there?"

"Ten, but we can get a steady 25v if necessary," I answered.

"Ten? Twenty-five? What do you use to... no... never mind." Then she turned back to Mal, "Yes I'll need one that I can charge here and then recharge there using a USB. I can manage with that. Is there anything?"

"I have one in my closet. Give us something hard," Sean said.

"Do you really?" she asked, her eyes showing excitement. "I think I'm going to like you two."

"Alicja's our cousin," Mal said. "But she's really our sister."

"I understand. And I'm seriously ashamed," she said.

Sean turned to her, "Just do right by her, and all is forgiven."

"I need to see that Ultrasound you have, so I can make sure it will be what I need it to be," she said, and looked around as Mal got up, motioning her to follow.

"We actually just bought it. We were thinking of sending it across for her. She sent a message about some of the experiments she was into. We thought it might help," Mal said as he led her from the room.

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