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Alicja had described to me how the Mórrígan descended for her. It was violent and powerful and merciless. She swore it was the best thing she ever experienced – except sex. My own experience of this was far more polite and aware than hers.

Her name was not Bridgett or anything of the sort. She was Airmed. Airmed the healer. Medicines and healing were her main interests. Her primary goal was to learn all she could, in the time we had, about modern medicine and healing. Also anything about diseases. Her voice was soft but like the softness of a river stone as she described these desires to me.

Her voice depicted her as a young woman. A young woman coming into her own. The power of the new moon, the competent skill of first mastery. The strong clear voice of the journeyman stepping up to fulfill her future.

I jumped a bit when she first appeared. To me she was all around the room, looking into things and places – scanning shelves and going through drawers. Then she turned all of her attention on me.

"Hello, I am Airmed. You are Carmen."

The voice didn't come from inside me. It resonated from around me, from all sides. It was quite divine if that was the effect she was trying for. Though in tone it came as golden light might sound.

"Greetings." I said. "I have never addressed a deity of any kind before, except in church, but that was nothing like this. I do not wish to offend, but I have concerns."

"I'm sure you do, but your man is waking, and you should see to him before we talk. It can wait." She said this with some humor I noticed, as if she were enjoying this event far more than expected.

It took a minute for me to realize what and who she was talking about. Putting my book down I went to Vlad's room and found him sitting on the side of the bed – and he was naked. Of course he was naked. We couldn't put him to bed in wet clothing. So, he was put to bed naked. We did have the presence of mind to purchase new clothing for him yesterday.

"How are you feeling?" I asked, as I slipped into the room.

"Oh," he said, and grabbed a pillow to cover his naked maleness. Hey, if it is on the exam table, it's a penis – until then, it's naked maleness, alright?

I went to the closet and and pulled out a robe and then a pair of shorts from the dresser. "Here, you go. Do you feel like getting up?"

He took the clothing from me, and then pressed his palm into his right eye, "Feel ... my head is pounding."

"Here, let us help you," I said, and put my palms on his temples, running my hands through this thick blonde hair.

It was that simple. She, Airmed, stepped in and directed my body to my desire. I wanted to help him, but was about to tell him my limitations rather than stepping to him and assisting – and what exactly was I doing, anyway?

- Close your eyes, do you see the rhythms? See how his mind is tangled around this area here – likely due to a concussion. Yes, see how the swelling is pressing here and here?

And I did see. I could see his injuries as if looking at them through a detailed brain scan. I could feel the heart of him; sense the flow of blood in him; smell the musk of him.

Don't go too deep, the voice of Airmed told me. And then she began to show me how to bring down the swelling, and to work with his natural ability to heal. His healing ability was so strong.

It wasn't long after this that he began making noises of relief.

"Whatever you're doing, don't stop. It's working," he grumbled.

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