Chapter 10

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"Agyo you're so cute!"

Wooyoung hasn't stopped gushing over my eating habits since we left the cafeteria.
We still had time before the next class would start and we were on our way to the yard now to take a breath of air and escape the filled halls of students.

"Can you stop?" I slightly swatted his hands away that were trying to squish my cheeks the whole time.


"He hasn't done nothing yet, darling. He can be a lot worse, believe me." San turned and started walking backwards while he talked.

"Mhm. Speaking from experience huh?"

San only gave me a smirk in responds before turning around to walk normal again.

"Aish! Imma take ya home with me." Wooyoungs arms swung around my shoulders as he side hugged me, his cheek pressing against mine.

The boy didn't let go while we were still walking and I turned my head the slightest, licking his cheek to which he jumped away. Which was exactly what I wanted.

"Ya!" He held his hand to his licked cheek and looked at me with a surprised look before his face broke into a wide grin "You're gonna regret that."

My eyes widened when Wooyoung approached me with large steps and I took off running, winding past Hongjoon, Mingi, San and Yunho who were in front of us to which I gained confused looks from them but they vanished when Wooyoung dashed past them and after me.

"No please!" I screamed as I ran from Wooyoung and I heard his steps close behind me.

"I'm gonna catch you~" He taunted and his voice was so close that I choose to pick up my pace even more.

I didn't get too far before I was lifted off the ground by two firm arms that slung around my waist.
"Got you!" Wooyoung yelled before he took us to the ground, him taking most of the impact as he then settled on his knees with me on his lap.

He turned me around in his arms and before I could comprehend what was happening, he kissed me all over my face. I giggled at the featherly kisses he left and put my hands up in front of my face.
Wooyoung took my wrists, preventing me from doing so.
He stopped his hurried kisses to press a long peck on my forehead, then my cheek, my other cheek, and then my nose.

Our laughs died down and I opened my eyes to see Wooyoung staring at me with a smile grazing his lips.
His soft brown eyes captured me in their abyss and I shook my head to snap out of his. I can't let those thoughts take over.

Someone cleared their throat from next to us and we looked over at Hongjoon, the others standing behind him but all of them had amused smiles on their faces.

"Come on." Hongjoon just had to wave his hand and in an instant Wooyoung picked me up and placed me on my feet.
We walked over to one of the big tress and sat down underneath it.
I closed my eyes, feeling a soft breeze run through the air and the atmosphere was finally quiet and peaceful— not something I'd really expected when around these eight guys.

Wooyoung pov:

I plopped down next to San and smiled widely at him "Did you see?!!"

"I saw." San laughed, his eyes dissappearing as his cheeks rose.

"She was blushing so hard! That was so cute it's not even funny!" I exploded loudly, making San shush me to not catch Joyce's attention but I looked over and saw that she was leaning her head back against the tree with closed eyes.
It wouldn't surprise me if she was half asleep.

"I swear, we'll have her soon. I can feel it." I dropped my head on Sans lap in a dreamy like state, imagining Joyce being ours and her loving us.
I haven't known her for long but that girl had caught all of our attention and we for sure won't let that go to waste.

We'll make her feel good and safe in our middle. She'll be ours and we will be hers. Forever. I'd make sure no one harms her and takes her from us and I know that the others will do the same.
I realize that it's weird how fast we got attached to this girl but I for myself know that I don't mind.
The times we spent with her were fun and even tho she still has to get used to us and what we do, she makes it nicer.

I got up from Sans lap and crawled over where Joyce sat. I leaned up next to her and sneaked my arm around her shoulder, pulled her closer and now her head was laying on my chest.
I smiled in content that she wasn't budging, not even when she opened her eyes and looked up at me.
She just closed them again and released a small breath before relaxing.

I grinned proudly and looked at the others to see if they're seeing this, which they were. Hongjoon gave me a thumbs up and I smiled even wider.
Joyce starts to trust us and that's one of the main goals we all have.
We didn't care who could make her more comfortable with us, the only thing that mattered was that she liked us. We can share after all.

I sighed peacefully and leaned my head back against the tree, closing my eyes as I pulled Joyce's legs over my lap. The small rays of sunshine that castcaded through the leaves of the tree made me sleepy and now I understood how Joyce could've fallen asleep so fast on this spot.

"Sweet dreams, lovely." I mumbled down at the girl in my arms before my sight got dark and I was envolped in the world of dreams.


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This is a day late and I'm sorry!

Next chapter San and then Jongho! Let's see what they bring ;)

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