Book Four: Chapter 3

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Huntar's eyes snapped open, the harsh fluorescent lights searing into his vision. A dull throbbing pounded behind his temples as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. Where...?

His gaze settled on the cold metal bars trapping him, realization crashing over him like a tidal wave. The cage. Clenching his jaw, he pushed himself upright, surveying the cramped confines mixed with fury and disbelief.

How had the alien soldiers overpowered them? He couldn't recall the events leading up to their capture, his memory a tangled haze. Reaching out, his fingers traced the unyielding bars, claws scraping against the unforgiving metal. They would pay dearly for this insult.

A soft groan pulled his attention to the still forms of Zena and Torag, crumpled beside him in the tight space. Relief washed over him as he saw the steady rise and fall of their chests. Their weapons were gone, but at least his companions still lived.

"Zena. Torag." His gruff voice cut through the stale air, commanding their focus. "Wake up."

Zena stirred first, blinking slowly as she regained consciousness. Her hand flew to her forehead, fingers pressed against her temple as if to quell the lingering ache. "Wha... Huntar? Where are we?"

Before he could respond, another guttural groan rumbled from Torag's massive form. The rhino-man shook his head, eyes squinting against the harsh glare as he surveyed their cage with a bewildered grunt.


Shoulders tensing, Huntar leaned closer to the bars, peering into the dimly lit corridor beyond their prison. Heavy footfalls echoed in the distance, growing louder with each passing second. He could make out the silhouettes of their captors approaching, their forms still indistinct.

As the figures drew nearer, Huntar's grip tightened on the bars, his sharp gaze narrowing. Four humans, clad in strange armor suits, marched in tight formation. Opaque visors obscured their faces, rendering them as faceless sentinels guarding some terrible secret. But Huntar could see their human lips beneath their visors.

Zena's breath caught in her throat as she realized the gravity of their predicament. "I never seen these humans before. Where did they come from, and what do they want from us?"

Huntar's silence was answer enough. Slavery. Food. Whatever a hidden tribe needed to survive.

Gritting his teeth, he tensed his powerful muscles, coiled and ready to strike at the first opportunity. They would not go down without a fight.

The armored humans approached, one barking out a series of terse orders as they surrounded the cage. With practiced efficiency, they hoisted the cage; the bars clattering against the floor as their prison lurched forward.

Torag bellowed in defiance, his massive bulk slamming against the bars as he tried to break free. The humans remained impassive, marching onward with their cargo in tow.

"Steady," Huntar growled under his breath, his eyes scanning their captors for any sign of weakness. As much as his instincts screamed for him to unleash his fury, he knew reckless action would only seal their doom. For now, patience was their only ally.

They navigated the labyrinthine corridors in tense silence, the echoing footsteps of their captors the only sound accompanying their journey into the unknown. Huntar's gaze never wavered, scouring every nook and crevice for potential escape routes or advantages to exploit.

After what seemed like an eternity, the humans paused at an intersection, their leader exchanging hushed words with his subordinates. Seizing the opportunity, Huntar leaned closer, studying the cage door with renewed intensity.

His sharp eyes immediately settled on a loose bolt, the slightest imperfection in their prison's design. A feral grin tugged at the corner of his mouth as he caught Zena's gaze, giving her the slightest of nods.

Zena understood instantly, her body coiling in preparation. Torag followed suit, his massive frame tensing as he awaited Huntar's signal.

With a roar shaking the foundations, Huntar thrust his weight against the weakened bolt, his powerful muscles straining with the effort. The metal groaned in protest, bending reluctantly under his relentless assault.

The humans whirled, their surprise palpable as they fumbled for their weapons. But it was too late.

The bolt tore free with a screech of tortured metal, and Huntar flung the cage door open with a triumphant shout. In a blur of motion, they burst forth, a whirlwind of claws and fury descending upon their captors.

The corridor erupted into chaos, the clash of steel against steel echoing through the halls as the humans scrambled to retaliate. Huntar moved with lethal grace, his claws a deadly extension of his body as he cut through their ranks.

Zena fought with savage elegance, her kick a whirling vortex of destruction as she wove intricate patterns, disarming and incapacitating their foes with surgical precision. Torag was an unstoppable force, his massive fists shattering armor and bone as he plowed through their adversaries.

For a fleeting moment, victory seemed assured. Then the reinforcements arrived.

More armored humans poured into the fray, their weapons blazing with searing energy bolts that crackled through the air. Huntar snarled as he sought cover behind a fallen pillar.

"This way!" he roared, spotting a set of double doors at the far end of the corridor. With Zena and Torag covering his retreat, he charged forward.

The doors burst open with a resounding crash, and they spilled out into the blinding light of day. Huntar squinted, his eyes struggling to adjust as he took in their new surroundings.

They stood at the heart of a bustling metropolis, towering spires of gleaming metal and glass reaching toward the heavens. The air thrummed with the hum of activity, a cacophony of sights and sounds assaulting his senses.

Humans swarmed the bustling streets, their strange contraptions propelling them without heed to the trio of Beastmen standing in their midst. Huntar's breath caught in his throat as he struggled to make sense of the alien world they had stumbled into.

Their respite proved brief. Wailing sirens pierced the air, their shrill cries announcing more armored humans. Huntar tensed as the strange vehicles screeched to a halt, disgorging a squad of armed warriors clad in blue garb.

"Stay where you are!" one of them shouted, leveling his weapon towards them. "Put your hands in the air!"

Huntar clutched his fists as he exchanged a steely glance with his companions. Escape was their only option.

Without hesitation, they plunged headlong into the churning sea of humanity, weaving through the bystanders as shouts of alarm echoed in their wake. The sirens pursued them, a chorus of chaos threatening to drown out all reason.

Huntar's powerful legs propelled him forward, his eyes darting from side to side as he sought refuge amidst the dizzying array of buildings. Zena and Torag kept pace, their movements fueled by desperation as they fled deeper into the heart of the strange city.

Ducking into an alleyway, they paused to catch their breath, pressing their backs against the cool stone as they listened for any sign of pursuit. The distant sound of sirens still rang in their ears, a haunting reminder of the dangers they now faced.

"Where are we?" Zena panted, her eyes wide with bewilderment. "This place... it's unlike anything I've ever seen. Those structures reminded me of the ruined ones in the wildlands. How is this possible?"

Huntar shook his head, his jaw set in a grim line. "I don't know. But I have a feeling we are no longer in our world now. They must have taken us to their realm while we were unconscious. For now, we can't stay."

Torag rumbled in agreement, his massive chest heaving with exertion. The rhino-man's piercing gaze swept the alleyway, searching for potential threats or avenues of escape.

A metallic clatter echoed from the mouth of the alley, drawing their attention. Huntar tensed, his sword raised as he prepared for another confrontation.

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