Chapter 15: Hacking The Pod

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Currently within the base of the Crystal Gems, Lars was sitting within the green escape pod that Peridot had used to escape the ship and the same pod that Pearl had used to repair a gem made communication tower which caused the current situation of Garnet and everyone being not really comfortable around Pearl since she is obviously trying too hard to get Garnet trust back even after Garnet was given time to think about everything, Anyway the reason why Lars was in the pod to attempt to use any travel logs from the system database of the pod that still have some network links to the GemPU that Peridot have inbuilt in her armored hands.

Lars tapped the translucent surface of the escape pod's console, his eyebrows knitted in concentration as the holographic screens flickered with Peridot's travel logs. Pearl hovered nearby, her arms crossed, her gaze alternating between the logs and Lars with a mix of curiosity and impatience.

Pearl: I dont even understand how are you able to replicate Peridot... Hands like that to access those logs? It is still Gem technology Afterall.

Lars shrugged, barely looking up from the console. The light from the screen cast a greenish hue on his face, giving him an almost ethereal look.

Pearl sighed, though it was clear she was both impressed and slightly bewildered by Lars's rapid understanding of Gem technology. Lars continued to sift through the data, the travel logs revealing Peridot's frequent visits to significant locations.

Steven, bouncing slightly on his heels next to Pearl, peered over the console with wide eyes.

Steven: Do you think Peridot was looking for something specific at these places? Like, a hidden weapon or maybe a secret burrito recipe?

Pearl laughed softly, ruffling Steven's curly hair.

Pearl: I doubt it's a burrito recipe, Steven. But yes, she might have been searching for something important, possibly related to her missions.

Steven looked up to the Clock and gasp.

Steven: Lonely Blade IV time! 

He ran right upstairs and leaped to the TV and sat down, watching the movie.

Lars pulled up a map dotted with the locations Peridot had as it trace some information of Peridot logs on multiple places since he has yet to get the access of her details of teleporting to places as he was replying solely on the logs she writes with her system that he has access too... The places in question she traveled to was that such as the Strawberry Battlefield, Galaxy Warp, Prime Kindergarten, Communication Hub and including the Shooting Star Shrine which was all places that Lars requested to investigate while being followed by Pearl and Steven as it was only to see the places and try to find any relative links that would explain why Peridot would be within the place of questioned.

Pearl, eager to demonstrate her reliability to Garnet, wanted to test the escape pod herself to track down Peridot. However, Lars had already showcased a surprising aptitude for Gem technology, including the ability to manipulate Gem materials like Peridot's hand... a confusing feat given that Gem body parts are made of solid light, not physical matter.

Recognized as trustworthy by the Crystal Gems, Lars balanced his time between his job at the Big Donut, shopping, and training with Connie and Steven. Yet, he devoted his free moments to the pod, tirelessly investigating with barely any breaks, save for a brief tea interlude and a quick nap under the soothing ocean breeze.

Lars: And do this and...

He attached the suction end to the teleporter crystal, enabling the pod to directly access the Crystal. This provided detailed information about specific world locations, surpassing the usefulness of the dated logs Peridot used to maintain, which he had previously relied on to trace her locations.

They are getting closer, he knows it that its only a matter of time before they find her.

Steven: You wanna show lonely blade IV with me?

Lars looked up to Steven from upstairs before he stood out of the pod and headed upstairs to look at the show when a moment of when the samurai connected his blades and threw it towards a evil janitor like a boom-a-rang.

Lars looked up to Steven from upstairs before he stood out of the pod and headed upstairs to look at the show when a moment of when the samurai connected his blades and threw it towards a evil janitor like a boom-a-rang

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Lars: And they call me 'Faker'.

He turned away and went to the pod and began to open the small catch on the side and play with the wires in there. Not being interested in that show,

Lars: Guess I found the reason why he throw his shield like he does.




Suddenly, The teleportation crystal beamed a bright light, and Steven looked on in shock as Lars dematerialized the metal attachment and stepped out of the pod.

Lars: I found the latest report she was writing, along with direct coordinates for her location.

Steven: Great!

He ran down the stairs, calling out to the Crystal Gems, who had been briefed by Lars. Pearl was about to jump onto the crystal when Lars issued a warning.

Lars: I managed to distract her with fake logs and reports long enough for her to investigate a lead I made up. Catch her this time, or she'll realize these logs are being sent from here and could enter your home at any time from anywhere.

They nodded, and Pearl rushed onto the gem as they all teleported away.

Lars: Looks like she's been back and forth to the Kindergarten more than anywhere else. Maybe she's trying to reactivate something there, or maybe she's looking for resources or could it relate to this 'Cluster' that she mentioned with Jasper... What if I-

Lonely Blade: Ah! You are the main villain? JANITOR!

Janitor: Yes, I am, Lonely Blade! Mwhahaha!

Lars looked up at the still-playing video and sighed.

Lars: The Janitor was obviously the bad guy, being on every cover page of all the movies and merchandise, not to mention always lurking in the background of every major fight. His evil-looking eyebrow, menacing gaze, and the way he laughs at every misfortune Lonely Blade experiences gave it away.

Lars was sitting on Steven's bed, his eyes glued to the movie screen. He would never admit it, but he loves movies. Just like with video games, once he starts, he can't stop.

A True Motherly Tsundere.

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