221 18 25


20ᴛʜ ᴊᴀɴᴜᴀʀʏ
7:15 ᴘᴍ ɪsᴛ


" Finally , ab shanti mileli mujhe ".

Divya thought as she took a seat far away from the devil in the plane .

As soon as they boarded the flight , To avoid arguing more , Yashasvi found his other friend , Shubman and took a seat beside him after giving a last glare to Divya .

Dhruv was reluctant leaving her side . He wanted to help his friend and make her feel comfortable at her new work place . But , after getting several calls from his friends. He went off after muttering a sheepish sorry .

Divya was soon joined by a teammate and a friend as well , Aarohi Singh . They made conversation for the first half of the flight and soon drifted off too sleep .The next time , Divya opened her eyes , everyone was preparing to get off the flight .

After getting off the and collecting their baggages , they left
for their hotel where they soon checked in and went to their rooms .

Divya had taken good nap and woke up early to start preparing for the introductry meeting with the players. After some time , she left for the hall with her roommate, Aarohi . Reaching the hall , she found many players and heflr teammates had already joined and were chit - chatting with each other.

Divya called out her all of her teammates for a small meeting which unforunately also included Gaurav .
After giving her brief , all the players started to do the duties except Gaurav , who lingered behind.

Unable to hold herself back , Divya asked him with an incredulous look , " Do you need to tell me something ?"

"You make an excellent team leader , you know " , he replied .

" I know but you need to come straight to the point cause flattery will not make me understand what you need ,Gaurav ." she said

"Ok , coming straight to the point , We left the conversation half way in the morning due to some call and when I saw you again , you were busy making conversation with a player , Jaiswal right ? " he completed with flash of confusion and hurt in his eyes

" And you are still not coming to the point and what does Jaiswal have to do with this " she told normally but she could feel her heartbeat beating fast .

" Oh nothing , what I mean to say is can we complete the conversation after this meeting ? " .

Divya absolutely did not want to have this conversation in this trip let alone today . Not knowing what to say , she remained paused for a few minutes but a light bulb soon went off in her head when saw Rohit Sharma making way towards them.

she replied , " Uh yeah sure , let us continue five minute after the short meeting . I need to go right now , sorry" .

She quickly made her way towards Rohit who had been waiting for Divya to complete the conversation .

𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝙳𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖𝚜 [ Yashasvi Jaiswal ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ