Chapter 5

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Cassidy's POV

The final bell rang and I made my way out of class. Minding my own business, I turned the corner and slammed into somebody. Déjà vu... Jesus Christ...

"Seriously, watch where..." That's when I looked down and notice the beautiful blue-eyed girl I met yesterday. 

"I'm sorry, Cassidy, I didn't mean to," she apologized shyly, looking down.

I gently placed my finger under her chin, making her look back up at me. I smiled down at her. She was so short, it was so adorable. I moved my finger away and calmly said, "It's okay, Cheree. Shit happens." She smiled at me and bit her bottom lip.

"How're your ribs doing?" I asked curiously. "Honestly, they still hurt. But, nothing a few pain pills can't help," she said with a smile. She should seriously smile more often. I started to say something until someone slightly shoved her into the locker next to us. "Oops, my bad shrimp. Didn't see you there. You know, you being so small and all." Blondie smirked, walking away. "Hey, Blondie, why don't you pick on someone a little closer to your size, eh?" I shouted smirking at her. She turned back around, her friend behind her. She scowled, walking towards me.

"What's this Cheree? You got yourself a bodyguard now?" Blondie said smugly to Cheree. I looked at Cheree, who was clutching her ribs in pain.

Blondie noticed this too and frowned at me. She went to say something before I shushed her and pushed her into the locker.

"I think it's time for you to go," I said calmly and let go of her. I didn't want to lose control especially not in front of this little blue-eyed angel.

She scoffed at me and stormed off but not before glancing back at Cheree with a look of regret.

Brooklyn's POV

I was officially the world's largest douche hole. I forgot that her ribs might still be in pain. I'd gotten upset seeing her smiling and conversing with the new bitch, so I got jealous and pushed her into the locker to get her attention.

"Hey Brooke, you good?" Lindy asked me, giving me a worried look. I waved her off telling her I'm fine. We made our way to the gym locker room to get ready for practice.

"BROOKLYN JAMESON! OFFICE! NOW!" Coach was pissed.

I made my way inside her office and sat down with a smug look on my face. Coach just stared at me.

"So, the Assistant Principal and I had a nice little chat today," she said, sarcasm dripping.

"Oh yeah? And what might that be?" I asked innocently, picking at my nails, uninterested in where this was going.

"We decided after your little run-in with another student, you're going to be suspended from all squad events, practices and anything else pertaining to the squad." 


"No, there is no getting out of this. You made your bed, now you lay in it. Rest of the semester. After that, I'll see if your behavior has changed at all, and you might be able to come back. Good day." I gave her the dirtiest look. I wish looks could kill.

I stormed out of her office and out of the gym. Lindy tried catching up with me.

"Brooke, wait, what the hell happened?" she asked. "They fucking suspended me from all cheer events for the semester. Because of that fucking new girl!" I yelled, angrily running my hand through my hair.

"Shit, Brooke, I'm sorry, but you got to control your anger. Why did you even do it?" she asked curiously. "Because she hurt her," I said quietly, looking away from Lindy.

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