Chapter 13

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Brooklyn POV

I took Cheree out to this casual restaurant named, "Freds", it's on the outskirts of town, so it took a good thirty minutes to get there. There was no awkward silence between us. It was comfortable. "You're going to love this place." I smirked at her and swiftly made my way out the car soon followed by Cheree.

"I've never heard of this place. Looks laid back" she said smiling at me. "That's because it is. My aunt and uncle own this place. My grandfather, his name was Fred. He was the best at grilling. Anything. All the food here are his recipes. He passed away a couple years ago. He was great man." I frowned a little and felt tears building up. I felt a small hand take mine. I looked down and Cheree gave me a small smile. I smiled back, "Come on, lets get some grub" I opened the door for her and let her go in first.

As we made our way in the small restaurant, I noticed my aunt behind the counter wiping down menus. She looked up and saw me and smiled brightly, "Brooky!" She yelped, and ran around the counter and tackled me in a bear hug. My aunt Tess, she's the sweetest lady you'd ever meet. Kind hearted, shy but bold. She is the one that kept the family together after gramps died. Cheree reminds me so much of her. They're both little shrimps too.

"Hey Aunt Tess" I said gently pulling away. I took a seat at the counter with Cheree pulling a stool out next to me. She ran back around the counter and handed Cheree a menu. I know the menu by heart. "Brooky, how have ya been? Not still sleepin' around are you?" She said glaring at me. I noticed Cheree slightly tense up for a second. I glared back at Aunt Tess, "No, not right now". Aunt tess glanced at Cheree for split second, who was looking at the menu. Aunt Tess got the hint and her mouth formed into an 'o'.
Breaking the tension I opened my mouth, "Aunt Tess, this is Cheree, Cheree, Aunt Tess" Aunt Tess eyes widened for a split second, recognizing the girls name she knew I was in love with. Cheree looked up from her menu and gave a cute shy smile and held out her hand to shake, "Nice to meet you Mrs..." My aunt just stared at Cheree and turned to walk around to our side of the counter making Cheree frown a little, feeling rejected. "Cheree, I don't shake hands, but I do give hugs." Aunt Tess said making her way behind Cheree. Cheree stood up and Aunt Tess gently wrapped her arms her like she was something fragile.

Cheree ended up ordering Country fried steak and mashed potatos with turkey gravy. While I got my usual, Double cheeseburger with fries. I think the gym will be calling my name tomorrow. Aunt Tess has really taken a liking to my short stuff. I figured she would. She's nothing like any other girl I've been with.

"So, Cheree. You must be pretty special if Brooky here brought you to my restaurant. She's never brought anyone here except for Lindy." My face flushed and Cheree just chuckled at my reaction. "Well, she must be making up all those times she picked on me" Cheree said, looking at me with an eye brow up. I blushed even more and looked away from her.

After we finished some food, and aunt Tess completely embarassing me. We were getting ready to head out. "Im going to use the restroom real fast" Cheree excused herself and Aunt Tess opened her mouth, "So, thats her huh? My future Niece-in-law." She said, wiggling her eyebrows. I sighed and looked towards the restroom, and back to Aunt Tess. "She's amazing, ya know? I know I can be a bitch and a womanizer... but, not I'm gonna change. I want her to be mine. This is step one." Aunt Tess smiled at me and hugged me real quick. Cheree came out of the bathroom and we soon after left.

I opened the car door for Cheree and she gave me a look, "well, aren't you just a lady today, thank you" she got in and I shut her door running over to my side. I got in the car, but didn't start it up. I hesitated, then looked at Cheree. "What are you doin'?" She asked me curiously, probably wondering why I'm just sitting here.

"Cheree, I, I need to tell you something." I looked into her eyes, that turned from happiness to nervousness.

Cheree POV

I swallowed thickly, nervous of what Brooklyn was going to say to me. I looked into her eyes and could see fear. This was not the Brooklyn I know, she looked so vulnerable.

She sighed and looked down at the center council. "I know that I've done some pretty shitty things to you. But, I always did it for your attention. I always had an ego problem, that me, miss queen b, bitch, womanizer, had to always have a good image. So, I was always afraid if I ever acted on my feelings towards you, or even befriended you. It'd ruin my reputation." She paused and looked up into my eyes, I started getting a wave of emotions pass through me.
She grabbed my hand, surprising me by her actions. "But, I don't care anymore Cheree. You, you mean a lot to me. I don't care about my damn reputation or being at the top of that fucking school anymore. All I fucking care about, is you." She squeezed my hand a little searching my eyes for a response. I didn't know what to say.
"Cheree, please say something, anything" she begged me. So, I did the only thing I could think of, I leaned forward and slowly kissed her.

I just gave my first kiss to Brooklyn Jameson.

Damn You Brooklyn (lesbian)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα