Chapter 7

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Well, I'm apparently an updating full right now.-AC

Cheree's POV

I woke up to my alarm making obnoxious noises in my ear. I peeked open one eye, looking at the sunlight being let in by a slight sliver in the blinds. And then, it hit me.

Fucking balls, Layne... That party — it was that night. I could already feel my body start to convulse and a headache coming in. My anxiety really sucks sometimes. I sighed, getting out of bed and making my way to the bathroom.

The doorbell rang, making me nearly fall in the shower. 

Who the hell is here at 7 am?

As I made my way downstairs, the person at the door began holding the doorbell. I looked through the window and saw good ol' Danny waiting there. I flung the door open giving him a frown and one eyebrow up...

"Oh goody, my lord and savior," he sang, making his way inside. What the fu...? 

"Well? What are you doing here?" I asked, slightly irritated. 

"Cheree, baby, I am going to get this place set up. Therefore, I'll be skipping school today and getting your little home ready. I do need to know, honey, if there is anything you need hidden, or out of sight. I don't want drunken fools messing with your shit," Danny says.

Pause. Danny was a boy I met when I was 14. It was the summer before high school and just after my mother and sister left me. My anxiety had turned into depression and my aunt had started to worry. So, she sent me to see a therapist and group therapy. There I met Danny. He was the only one, besides Layne, that knew all about me and all about my family. I loved him like a brother, and he treated me like his sister. We both had tragedies happen to us at young ages — it helped us bond.

Danny was a tall, 6 foot 2, slightly built hunk. He had shaggy, sandy blonde hair, green eyes that pierce through your soul, and a strong jawline. Ladies loved him. He loved ladies and the men. Boy didn't discriminate.

Anywho... play.

"Uh, yeah, anything that looks breakable. Luckily, the TV is mounted on the wall, and out of reach for most. No one and I mean no one, upstairs. I don't need crazy hormonal teenagers bumping uglies on my bed." I pointed my finger at him.

"Did I hear someone say bumping uglies?" Layne said, walking in with Georgi. 

"What the hell, Layne?" I asked. Why were there people in my house at 7:05 am? 

"Just making sure Danny showed up. Also, I'm making sure you haven't backed out, babe." She said the last part glaring at me. I rubbed my temples, feeling my headache turn into a migraine. "Plus, I want to take you to school. Figured we could all just carpool afterward. Get everything else ready." She threw her arm around my shoulder. "You know I would never let anything bad happen to you or your house. Neither would Danny. We both love you and just want to calm your nerves." She kissed my cheek and I went upstairs to finish getting ready.


An hour later I found myself walking into the school, all eyes on me. Ugh, could this day have gotten any worse? Feeling a panic attack approaching, I scurried off to the restroom ignoring the girls doing last minute make-up touch-ups. I shut the stall door quickly and sat on the toilet seat. Clutching my chest, I started doing breathing exercises to slow my heart rate. I went off to my happy place.

Four years ago

The cool breeze hits my face. The feeling of the warm sand beneath my toes and the smell of salt water invades my nose, making me crack a smile. I feel a soft hand on my shoulder and peak my eyes open, noticing the retreating sun, and the pinks and orange colors in the sky on the horizon. I turn around and am met with identical eyes like mine.

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