Chapter 16

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Cheree POV

For the first time in Creative Writing... I didn't really know what to write. My mind was blank. I was to worried about Cassidy. I wanted to tell Brooklyn, but I know she would over react and get in fight. I noticed it was already 430, and our club time was over. I looked down at my blank page and sighed. Hopefully Brooklyn will cheer me up. Lately, she has.

I made my way out front where I saw Brooklyn waiting for me by her car, paying attention to her phone. I smiled and my way over to her.

"Hey you, ya ready?" She said winking at me. I smiled and got in the car. "Forewarning, my mother, well, she's been waiting for me to bring a special someone home. So, she may be over bearing." She took my hand and started to drive off. "It's okay. Ii don't mind" I smiled and interlaced our fingers together.

The drive to her house was silent. I still couldn't get Cassidy off my mind. This girl who I once admired, I'm now terrified of. I even had a crush on her at one point. I felt a hand caress my cheek. "Hey, you've been out of it for half the day. You okay?" She asked me, with a worried expression. I hesitated.. should I tell her?

"Brooklyn.. I..." we were interupted vy a knock on her window. She sighed and said,"We will continue this later" she kissedy cheek and flipped off the girl on the other side of the window and we both got out of the car.

"Why, little Brooky, is that anyway to greet your big sister?" She scoffed playfully at Brooklyn. Brooklyn rolled her eyes and started to walk towards her house.

Her house.. is a beautiful. Two story, three car garage. A garden surrounding the whole front of the house. I followed her and her sister to the front door and went inside.

"Hey, you hungry? My mom usually has dinner ready by now", she asked me. "Yeah, I could eat" I said smiling.

She grabbed my hand and led me into the kitchen where I was greeted by a woman who looked exactly like Brooklyn, just in her forties.

"Brooklyn, honey, how was..." she trailed off and looked at our joined hands and then me. She smiled brightly and looked into my eyes, "And, who might you be?" She asked happily. "Um, Cheree. Nice to meet you Mrs. Jameson" I said smiling, hollding my hand for her to shake. She shook her head and then hugged me. "Nice to finally meet you Cheree" she said pulling away. "And, call me Tammy. No need for formal names around here." I blushed. "Mom, food?" Brooklyn said, rubbing her stomach.

"Oh, yes. I've got meat loaf in the oven. Should be ready in about thirty minutes. Cheree, you staying?" She asked sweetly, "Um, yeah, if thats okay with you guys". Brooklyn's sister spoke up, "Well duh, my mom's been waiting to meet you for like...OW!" She glared at Brooklyn. And, Brooklyn glared back. Her mother giggled and looked at me, "I'd love to have you for dinner".

Brooklyn took my hand leading me up a spiral staircase. "Come on, I'll show you my room". She opened her room door and when I walked in I was speechless. Her room was huge. Like, the size of my living room and kitchen put together. She had shaggy, baige carpet. With a shaggy blie and black rug in the middle. She had a gold chandelier hanging from the center if her ceiling. She had a huge desk in the corner of her room with a Mac computer sitting on top. There was a king sized bed with fluffy pillows just behind her desk. And a huge flat screen on her wall. "You should see the master bed room" she said, amused at my aweness.

She plopped down on her bed and sprawled out, causing her shirt to wrinkle up a bit exposing her toned stomach. She smirked at me. I got caught. Oh well. "Come here" she whispered, patting the spot next to her.

I gulped. Brooklyn. A bed. Alone. Oh boy.

Brooklyn POV

Cheree made her way over to my bed and laid her back against the bed post and her legs stretched out. I pulled my body up so I was matching her posture. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and she laid her head on my shoulder. I smiled. This was nice. My dreams coming true.

I cupped my hand under her chin, forcing her to look up at me. I leaned down and kissed her softly, her lips, the softest I've ever kissed. We kissed for a couple of minutes until I swiped my tongue across her bottom lip, begging for entrance. Surprisingly, she complied. I slipped my tongue in, massaging her tongue with mine. She let me dominate right off the bat. We contined for about five minutes until I slowly rolled ontop of her so I was straddling her. I pulled away from her lips and looked into her eyes. Her eyes were now glazed over with lust. Her lips, now swollen and red. I internally smirked. I leaned back down and trailed kisses from her jaw down to her neck. I found sweet spot and gently nibbled and sucked. This, caused a moan and me to smirk into her neck.

A knock at my door interupted us, my mother telling us dinner was ready. I gave her one last quick kiss on the lips and got off of her and out of bed. I couldn't help but notice how flustered she was. It was adorable.

I motioned for her to get up putting my hand out for her to hold. We smiled at eachother and made our way downstairs.

Dinner was silent at first. Cheree was next me. My mom across from me and my sister, Riley, across from Cheree. We were eating peacefully till my sister decided to be a loud mouth.

"Sooooo, you guys like dating or something or... sleeping together?" I glared at her while Cheree choked on her drink. My mother smacked Riley on the back of the head. "For your information, we are neither" I scowled out. I noticed Cheree frown at my comment and continue eating.

I tried to grab her hand but she pulled away. I sighed...

"So, Cheree, what do you plan on doing after school?" My mother asked sweetly. "Well" she sat her fork down and wiped her mouth with her napkin. So proper. She's so fucking cute. "..I'm wanting to go to UNL (university of nebraska) and get my journalism degree." She smiled and so did my mom. "What about your parents? Family?" Oh no... I noticed Cheree freeze. She was quiet for a second, "well, um, my dad died when I was four. He was in the army. And my um...." she started to tear up and choking on her words, "my mom died too, she was in an a accident along with my sister. My sister lived, but, she fell into a coma, and has been ever since" she froze. And so did the whole dinner table. My sister even. No words. "It was the summer going into freshman year... I was in the car as well. I just got a concussion." She chuckled sadly and looked down at her hands. I noticed a tear fall. I looked up at my mom and saw she was now starting to cry.

This explains why she's so broken. I'm gonna fix this. How, I dont know.

Damn You Brooklyn (lesbian)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin