Chapter 15

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Cheree POV

Another week of school. Great. I groaned getting out of bed, I stretched my back out and headed to the bathroom.

My sunday was spent sending texts to Brooklyn. I smiled at the thought. I still don't know how school is going to go, I mean, we aren't dating... but we act like it. But, does she want to act the same at school as we always do... my phone rang, releasing me from my thoughts.

Cheree: hello?
Brooklyn: um yeah, Layne and I are outside your house. Thought maybe I could take you to school and maybe after we could go to my place.
Cheree: oh okay, sounds good. Ill be out in a sec.

I hanged up and quickly threw on some skinny jeans and a plain white tshirt. I made my way downstairs and bumped into Aunt Jessi.

"Oops, sorry" she chuckled at me and gave me a quick hug. "Brooklyn is taking me to school, after I'm going to her place" she smiled, "Just use protection" she laughed and I glared at her. I ran out the door and could already hear Brooklyn's rap music blaring.

I got in the backseat when I noticed Brooklyn glaring at Lindy. "Ugh, fine. I'm gonna sit in the back Cheree." I furrowed my eyebrows and got out and got in the front.

Brooklyn looked over at me and smiled. She leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Awwwwwww" we heard from the back seat. "Shut your hole, Lindy" Brooklyn snapped. I giggled, and so did Lindy. Brooklyn playfully glared at me and drove off.

We arrived at school and Brooklyn parked in her usual spot, in the front of the school. I don't know how she gets away with it, considering only teachers park in the front.

When I got out of the car, it's like everyone stopped and just stared at me. I started to feel my anxiety surface. Sensing my discomfort, Brooklyn came over to me and grabbed my hand. She leaned into my ear, "just ignore them, shorty. You'll be alright". She pulled me away and headed into the school.

She walked me to my locker and waited for me to grab my things. "Brooklyn, are you sure you're okay with this" I pointed back and forth between us, "at school?" I asked her shyly. Her face became serious and then she smiled, "I could never be ashamed of you, not anymore" I smiled back at her and she walked me to my class.

I walked into my first period, and again, all eyes on me. God. I heard a few girls snicker at me as I made my way to my desk. When I sat down, this girl named Dakota turned around and stared at me for a few then she spoke up. "You know Brooke is just using you to get into your pants. Once she gets bored, she'll just drop you and move on." She waited for a reaction from me. When I didnt give her the satisfaction, she rolled her eyes and dramatically turned back around.

Sigh... this is going to be a long day.

During my free period, I decided to go the library. I sat down at a table and pulled out my book and started to read. I got so into the book I didn't realise somebody had sat in the seat next to me.

I turned my head and saw Cassidy with a unreadable expression on her face.

Cassidy POV

I had a free period and I knew Cheree did too. She always went to the library to read or write. I saw her sitting at the small table in the corner and took a seat next to her. She didn't notice me for awhile. She finally looked at me, shock written on her beautiful face.

"Look, I'm not gonna pussy foot my way around this, so I'm gonna be straight forward. I like you, a lot. And that night, my actions were completely un called for and stupid. I know Brooklyn and you have some weird fucking thing going on. But, I wont give up. I've never had feelings for anyone like I do you. I get what I want" and at that, I got up and walked away, leaving a very confused Cheree.

Cheree POV

After Cassidy walked away, I couldn't help but feel... afraid. She was acting possessive and it terrified me. I get what I want, her words repeated in my head. She said it such an intimidating way. I cant help but think she might do something stupid.

After the bell rang, I made my way to the cafeteria and grabbed my usual, a turkey sub, a tea and a bag of cheetos. Before I could pull out my money to pay, I felt a hand on my shoulder. "I got this" Brooklyn smiled at me and pulled out a ten dollar bill paying for both of us. I smiled and followed her to my usual spot. Layne was already sitting there with Georgi, kissing. Ew.

"Well, aren't you two just lovely" Brooklyn smirked and sat down, me sitting next to her.

After eating and listening to Brooklyn and Layne arguing over some stupid show, I felt a hand make it's way to my thigh. I looked over at Brooklyn who was still arguing with Layne, acting like nothing happened. I then looked down at her hand which had gradually made it way to my upper thigh. I gulped a little at the feeling that gave me. My face went flush and my eyes wide. Then, she squeezed. Oh my god. "I need to use the bathroom" I calmly stated and swiftly scurried to the restroom.

I went straight to the sink and threw some cold water on my face and looked into the mirror, leaning on the sink. I heard the door open, and in came none other than London herself.
She stopped and glared at me. "You're going to pay for my broken nose." I took that second to notice she had tape over the bridge of her nose and bruises under both eyes, she looked like a raccoon. I chuckled silently.

She walked up slowly to me, "Watch your back, fatty". I ran out of the bathroom and hear London chuckling behind me. I ran back to the lunch table and sat silently with my hands in my lap.

Brooklyn POV

When Cheree excused herself to the restroom, I knew it was because I had her worked up. I forgot she's not used to being touched like that. I didn't mean to do that though. I did it more as in a comforting gesture. I thought it was cute when her face flushed.

When she came back I couldn't help but notice her whole demeaner changed. She looked frightened. I rubbed my hand on her lower back. "You okay?" I whispered in her ear.
She looked at me and nodded. I didn't believe her. Layne noticed to and gave me a worried look. I shrugged my shoulders and took her hand that was in her lap and interlaced our fingers. I felt her relax at my touch which brought a smile to my face.

You ever have that feeling you're being watched? I looked around the cafeteria and saw Cassidy and.... wait for it... London looking at us, smirking. I smirked back and kissed Cherees cheek. I looked back at them and Cassidys smirk was replaced with a scowl and London still smirking.

I've got the girl. I don't fucking care anymore.

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