Chapter 26

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Brooklyn POV

A couple of weeks have gone by since I stormed out of my girlf... Wait.. Ex-girlfriends house. I may have slightly over reacted from the whole ordeal. But, shit happens and my anger got the best of me.

Honestly, these two weeks have blown major balls. After I had text Cheree saying we need a break, she stopped talking to me altogether. I don't know whether to be mad at her for not attempting to talk things out. Or, mad at myself for even mentioning a break.

Funny. I'm the one that tried so hard to hide my feelings for her. The one who tried hard to get her. To being the one who broke things off with her. At least, I think I think I did. She hasn't talked to me in two weeks. Does that automatically count as a break up or... Fuck it. My brains hurts. I'm thinking way to much right now.

I look up to see my friends conversing with eachother, not really paying me any mind. Georgi has completely avoided me since the whole fiasco. I'm not entirely sure if Layne may be the cause of that. But, I'm guessing so.

"Bro, are you even listening to anything I'm saying to you?" I looked up to see Angel scowling at me... Basically giving me the stink eye.

I rolled my eyes at dramatic act and continued playing with my phone. I heard her groan at me causing me to slightly chuckle.

"If you would pull your head out of your ass, you would notice that I was trying to ask you why that Cassidy chick, is all up on your bitch right now". I dropped my fork on the table and slowly turned around... Already forming a glare.

Oh. Well, that's just fucked up.

Well my eyes spy a little bitch tuxking hair behind my girls ear.



Sigh... Cassidy won't leave me alone. The last two weeks have been depressing to say the least. Ever since Brooklyn wanted a break, I've kept to myself. I distanced myself from Layne. After her multiple attempts of trying to get me out of this god forsaken funk... She gave up. Then Cassidy seemed to swoop in.

This girl just doesn't know when to stop. I really did have a small crush on her when we first met... But, I fell in love with Brooklyn. I have no feelings in my heart for anybody but her.

God I miss her.

"Hey, don't look so down. Smile buttercup." Cassidy sweetly whispered into my ear, tucking my hair behind my ear in the process.

Brooklyn used to do that. A lot.

A loud smack pulled me away from my sorrows. I look up in front of me to see a red faced Brooklyn staring down a startled Cassidy, who was now tense. I could feel the tension radiating off these two.

"What do you think your doing?" Brooklyn hissed at Cassidy, causing Cassidy to chuckle.

"Oh, ya know, just chilling with my girl here." Cassidy replied casually, shrugging her shoulders.

Wait.. Her girl. The fuck?

I whipped my head around hastily towards Cassidy.

"What are you..." i was interupted by a growl and before i knew it I was being pulled up onto my feet and dragged out the cafeteria.

I felt myself being pushed into the bathroom and being pushed into a stall. Brooklyn right behind me locking the door.

I looked into the green eyes I missed so much. They looked deadly in this moment in time.

"Her girl, huh? That's pretty quick don't ya think? You're not her girl. You're mine. Nobody else. I overreacted on the whole fucking 'did you really love me' bullshit." She paused looking away from me for a moment.

She sighed loudly, crossing her arms over her chest. She looked back at me, eyes softened.

"But, so did you. London played me, us, Cheree. I love the shit out of you. Always have. Always will. You," she paused swallowing thickly, "Were my first real love. I want you to be my last. You mean the world to me. No, you are my world." She took a step towards me, so we were practically touching. She gently placed each of her hands on each of my cheeks. She looked me in the eyes and smiled sadly.

"I hope you would want me to be your last love as well. If you do, you know where to find me. I love you." She said so soft and gentle. She placed a light kiss on my forehead.

And just like that, I was standing in a dirty ass bathroom stall by myself.

Annnnnnd were back

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