Ch. 26 Christmas Time

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Two days later, I got out of bed, showered, and changed into fresh scrubs. I did my hair and makeup and left for work.

When I got there, a trauma was coming in.

I parked and went in.

"Dr. Malone, you're doing desk work today for Dr. Hamilton," Dr. Michaels spoke.

I nodded and went upstairs.

I went to the nurses' station on the general surgery floor. "Have you seen Dr. Hamilton today, Kristi?"

"She's in with her husband," she spoke.

I nodded and made my way in the room.

Jake, Melanie, and Drew sat against the wall.

Kelly was on Peter's bed, telling him about her day.

"Dr. Hamilton?" I spoke.

They all turned to me.

"Britt!" Peter smiled.

Kelly smiled, "Hi, sweetie. How are you?"

"Dr. Michaels sent me to you," I spoke, ignoring her question. I was trying to separate myself, trying not to look at Jake. "He said something about desk work."

Her face dropped a little. "Britt-"

"I really need to get back to work, so paperwork? Is it with Kristi?"

"Yes," she slowly spoke.

I nodded and stepped out of the room. I went to the nurses' station.

Kristi handed me the pile of paperwork.

"You could've given me a head's up," I spoke, sitting beside her.

"Sorry," she whispered, writing in a chart.

I got to work. I wrote and did research all day. I needed to get my mind back into medicine. I needed to get my mind away from Nick and Jake. I needed my head back.

Around noon, a coffee was placed in front of me.

I looked up.

Jake stood there. "Peppermint mocha."

"Is there something wrong with your dad?"


"Does your mom need me?"


I nodded and got back to work.


I sighed and looked up. "What?"

He looked at Kristi.

"I have a patient to check on," she spoke, walking away.

He looked at me. "I'm sorry."

"For what? You're happy now. She'll give you everything you want. I'm happy for you, really. I would just like to get back to work." I looked at the papers and prayed he would walk away, but he didn't.

"I told you I don't want her. I told you she was just the person I thought I wanted, but I really just wanted to fill a void. I didn't want to be alone."

"That kiss the other morning was pretty steamy," I spoke, not looking at him.

"I didn't kiss her."

I scoffed.

He walked around the counter and knelt beside me. He turned me to him. "Britt, the only kiss that meant anything to me that day was the one I shared with you, all of the ones I shared with you."

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