Ch. 58 Winning the Lottery

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A few weeks passed.

I was 26 weeks pregnant. I was working like a dog and tired as hell.

The hospital never scheduled me on night shift, so I'd go home every evening and have a nice hot shower. I would fall asleep pretty quickly up until that 26th week. I would toss and turn like crazy. I just couldn't get comfortable.

Towards the end of the week, Jake noticed.

"Bridget? Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine."

"Can't sleep?"

"No. You try sleeping with a bouncing beach ball attached to your body."

He got out of bed.


He lifted me up and carried me to a chair by our bed. He sat, holding my to his chest. He took a blanket from the arm of the chair and covered us up. He rubbed my back and kissed my head.

"Curl up. Relax. Close your eyes."

I did as he said, curling into him. I drifted almost immediately.


The next couple of days were rough. I was tired and aching. I just didn't feel well at all.

On the first day of the 27th week, I was at work. I was charting, writing about a patient I'd just helped Dr. Thomas with not an hour beforehand.

"Bridget, hey," Kelly smiled, coming up to me.

"Hi," I smiled.

"How are you?"

"I'm okay. Just got out of surgery and recovery, so I'm working on my patient's chart. You?"

"I've been working on our stomach cancer trial all morning. Our old Chief says hi, by the way."

"How is he doing?" I sighed, looking up at her.

"Okay. I mean, he doesn't look like it, but his levels are a little better." She handed me his chart.

I looked at it and nodded.

"He's optimistic, which is good."

I nodded.

The baby kicked. Hard.

I bit my lip.

"I think he's going to be okay."

Another hard kick.

I nodded and went around the nurses' station. I sat down and gripped my stomach.

"You okay?"


"When did that start?"

"Maybe a couple weeks ago? It was just flutters, so I didn't think anything of it, really, and I didn't want anyone feeling it. I didn't want to jinx it."

"Did James freak?"

"He doesn't know. I haven't told him."

"He doesn't feel your stomach?"

"Not much. It freaks me out. I just-I want to be prepared for the worst."

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