Ch. 36 Wedding

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A couple weeks passed.

It was the morning of Melanie and William's wedding.

Lips  touched mine, waking me up.

I pulled back and opened my eyes to see Jake smiling at me.

"Good morning," I smiled.

"Hi, beautiful," he smiled, kissing me again.

My phone rang.

Jake groaned.

I reached over and grabbed it. I answered, "Hello?"

"Hey, Britt. It's Carly." The trial patient who took Wesley's place. She was becoming a really close friend.

"Hey. What's up?" I smiled.

"Did I wake you?"

"No, Jake already did. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I was online and I found the most perfect shoes for your wedding. They're American flags and they're covered in crystals. I texted you a picture."

I looked at the shoes. "Ooh. Love them. Nice find."

"Right? I was really excited when I found them."

I smiled, "I'm going to have to have Diane order them for me."

"I already forwarded the picture and link to her."

"You're awesome," I smiled.

"I know. Okay, so you're not coming in today, because Jake's sister is getting married?"

"Right, I'll be in to get his dad, then I have to rush him to the church. I'll come check on you tonight, though."

"Sounds awesome. Have fun for me!"

"You know I will. I'll see you later."


I hung up.

Jake was pouting. "Was that Carly?"


He sighed.

I got up.

"Where are you going?" Jake asked.

"I'm taking a shower. You want to join me?" I smirked, walking towards the bathroom.

He got out of bed and followed me.

We stripped and got in the shower.

The water was hot and steamy, very soothing.

After we washed each other, I turned to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I pulled him to me, closing the space between us. I reached up and gave him a kiss.

He deepened it and pulled back. "We need to hurry."

"Then, what are you waiting for?" I breathed, giving him another kiss.

He lifted me up and onto him.

A moan escaped both our mouths.

The muscles in my stomach clenched as I held onto him. I made a trail of kisses to his neck as he pushed me against the wall.

With each thrust becoming more hard and intense than the one before, my body was building high and higher.

When one of the thrusts became all I could take, I clenched my teeth down on his shoulder.

He moaned and released with me. He pressed me into the wall, holding me up.

We were both panting, trying to catch our breaths. We looked in each other's eyes, holding each other as if our lives depended on it.

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