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I was awoken by somebody playing with my hair. I didn't open my eyes just yet though.

After I told Cameron about what really happened the night Matthew died he didn't say anything. He just hugged me and went to sleep.

I, on the other hand didn't sleep at all. I was so worried about what he would say in the morning I couldn't shut my eyes.

"Wake up sleepy head, we have school" Cam whispered in my ears.

I groaned, "I don't want to go. People will stare. The thing was on the news, everybody knows about it."

"I know Nash but I'll be right by your side the whole time."

"Fine, but I don't have clothes"

"You can where my mine. Now go get in the shower" he orders.

After my shower I headed back to Cameron's room. He left some clothes and an extra toothbrush so I was dressed and ready to go.

I didn't want to go though. I hate school, just the though of it makes me want to curl in a ball and cry.

The harsh words and the punches. It's a living nightmare.

"Ready to go?" I questioned Cam as I sat on the bed next to him. He was on his phone texting somebody.

"Yeah, just give me a sec." His eyes flash to the door, signaling me to leave.

"Oh! Sorry!"

I stepped into the hallway, outside the door.

I wasn't trying to be nosy or anything but it sounded like Cameron was on the phone.

"Yes!! Of course I like him" Cameron said, talking to the mystery person on the other end.

"Yeah.... I know Nash's bullied." So they were talking about me? Why would they be doing that?

It was a long silence before I heard Cam's voice again. "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT HIS SOCIAL STATUS!!! HELL I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT MINE!!!"

I winced. I knew what they were talking about. A well liked and popular person like him should not be dating - which were not, I think - or hanging around with a hated and bullied person like me. And I knew that, so did the person on the other end of the conversation.

Cameron on the other hand didn't care. Which I was grateful for. But I knew at one point he would.

"I know I'm the freaking basketball caption. . . . . . . Coach wouldn't. . . . . No no no he wouldn't, oh my god he would! FUCK!!!" He yelled, which caused me to flinch. I've never hear Cameron this angry, and I don't think I want to ever again.

The phone call went on for another 5 or so minutes. It was mostly Cameron calling Coach names and saying he would, but he wouldn't.

It was confusing and I had no clue what he meant so I decided to stop listening.

In stead, I went to the kitchen. Ms. Dallas was in there leaning on the counter drinking coffee in her pjs reading People's Magazine.

"Good morning, hun" she greeted me. She is very sweet. Most defiantly nicer than my mom.

My parents were about making us seem like the best family on the block. And me not talking damaged that. So my mom and dad tried everything to get me to speak. In the process of that they forgot about me. The me that like throwing a football with his father. The me that was able to cook dinner for my mother.

"Good morning" I replied to her.

"Do you want anything to eat?" She asked.

"No thank you. l'm not hungry at the moment, but thank you for the offer Ms. Dallas."

"No problem Dear. Anyways where's my son."

"He is on a call so I gave him some privacy." I told her. Sitting at the island so we're facing each other.

"Oh good, because we need to have a chat." That worried me. Usually when a parent saids this it's not a good sign.

"Nash I'm here to warn you. Getting involved with Cameron can be a bad or a good thing. I'm not saying my baby is a bad person or anything like that. But he does tend to make wrong decisions. I've seen him brake hearts, and it was horrible each time. So be careful Nash" she smiled.

"I know you've hear this before but, I don't think he would hurt me, he saved me from getting shot. But I'll still be careful." I said as I hear heavy footsteps coming doing the stairs.

"Bye mother. Nash lets go we're going to be late and we still need to get your car." I heard Cameron say. His voice was emotionless. He didn't even come in the kitchen, I thought he would want to give his mom a good bye hug.

I said my goodbyes to Ms. Dallas and made my way to the door.

Author's Notes💞:

What's up homies.🍐

Sorry I didn't update it was my birthday.

Just a warning: in this book there will never be a moment when there is no drama. And if there is you know something big is coming. 🍐

If you're religious pray for Nash. These next chapters whoooooo🍐

Also pretty please take the time to vote. It literally takes less than one second, I've timed it🍐


p.s I also wanna thank -coldhearted , ohkillem_cash , taylorxshawn , Cash-Or-Nah, and @shaylorxjolinsky

You guys votes and comments make my day/night💕💜 I do notice more of you but these awesome people came to mind! 🍐

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