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Walking out of the hospital I took a deep breath. Stomping on a heart isn't as easy as the movies make it look. In a movie, the heart brake is over after the scene ends. The actor can walk off set and continue their day without having that achy feeling in their chest. But this is real life. This pain is going to hurt forever because I love him. And when it's real love, it doesn't fade.

I pulled out my phone and called Aliyah. She still has my car from that fucking bet we made. "What the hell do you want Nash??! Shawn and I are in the middle of moviethon!!!"

I sniffled, "can I have a ride? I'm at the hospital by your café."

"Heyyyyy what's wrong?"

"Can you just come fast?" I sat on the curb, feeling extremely tired.

"Yeah Shawn and I are on our way."

I ended the call tossing my phone in my pocket and ran my hands down my face. Half of me wants to march right back in that hospital and tell Cameron it was all a joke. I didn't sleep with Matt and I definitely didn't deny my love for him than break it off.

The of half is telling my you don't deserve a funny, handsome, caring boy with a small black automobile. You cheated on him for pete's sake. We were perfect, and then I had to go and ruin everything! Cameron shouldn't be in love with a person like me. I'll destroy him.

A car's wheels came to a stop. I looked up to see Aliyah and Shawn sitting in the front seat of my car. I slowly got up from the curb and hopped in the backseat.

"Hey sorry for ruining y'alls movie night, I just didn't have anyone else to call and you kinda have my car," I said laying my head on the window.

"No no it's fine! When Aliyah told me how sad you sounded movie night went out the window," Shawn smiled.

I nodded my head letting the small comfort of my friends consume me.

"So um Nash... What happened?"

I looked at Aliyah so I could answer her question. "I cheated on my boyfriend, broke up with him, then cried about how am a bad person."

The car came to a quick stop making me fly forward and hit the back of Shawn's seat.

"YOU DID WHAT???" They both screamed.

I explained the situation in further details. Calling Matt instead of Cameron. Having sex with him. Finding out Matt video taped it and sent it to Taylor. Realizing Matthew and Taylor are working together to split Cameron and I apart. Getting a call from Gilinsky saying that Cameron saw the video. Breaking up with my boyfriend in the worst possible way ever. Then crying.

Both of their eyes were wide. "Nash?"

I looked at Shawn. "Are we talking to the Nash Grier I know, because this doesn't seem like him."

I looked at Aliyah hopping to see something that wouldn't tear me apart even more.

Her face was blank. She didn't have an opinion towards me. It was just blank, like the story I just told meant nothing.
She turned her head towards the road and started to drive.

I leaned back looking at the car's ceiling. I guess Taylor and Matt's plan worked. Cameron hates me and we are officially apart.


The car pulled up to Aliyah's house. It was a pretty two story blue home. She opened the door after throwing the keys at me and storming in her house. I looked at Shawn, hoping he would give me some comfort. Anything, just please don't ignore me.

He snaked his head around the seat looking at me with sad eyes. "It'll be okay Nash. Go home, take hot bath, get in some comfy jammies, and get some good rest."

I nodded getting out the car so I could sit in the drivers seat. Shawn got out as well engulfing me in a tight hug.

"We'll call you tomorrow, love you."

"Thanks Shawn, love you too."

I let go of him, waving as I got in my car and driving away.

A couple of minutes into the ride I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Being the responsible teenager I am, I pulled over.

It was a text from Cameron. I was afraid to open it. I just broke his heart and he's texting me not a hour later. What is wrong with him? I honestly wouldn't know, ask someone who's not blinded by love.

C<3: Exactly fifty-three minutes ago you ruined everything. We were in a perfect place Nash! There was no problem! But the day after we had our date you decided to get in a bed with a different man!!! What did he have that I didn't? A longer dick? Haha fuck I doubt that. That motherfucker doesn't know how to treat you, babe. But I have no right to talk, I'm the one that got cheated on.

But what made you brake up with me though? We could of work through this. You didn't even give it a chance. You just shut me out before I could even respond. AND that's why I hate you, Nash Grier. You gave up before I could tell you: "I love you, and cheating on me wouldn't make me love you any less. It would make me work harder to find whatever he had that I didn't."

And lemme tell you that's some fucked up shit, babe. I'm still in love with the chubby cheek, blue eyed boy. And that's what probably what makes me hate you most. No matter how many times you stand behind that bullet and shoot I will still love you.

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