Chapter One

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Chapter 1

Her backpack slammed against her back with each harsh movement and her legs were burning from how hard she was pumping them. Black converse slapped against the concrete as Mia raced down her street, her pants sounding extremely heavy in her ears. She could feel her feverish pulse drumming against her temples.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Although she had gotten ready in less than twenty minutes, chose to wear a beanie over her ponytail instead of brushing her hair, and she had practically scarfed down her mother's cold eggs, Mia was late to her bus stop. Very, very late. 

Somehow when her digital alarm clock went off at its usual time of 6:00am, Mia, after drowsily turning it off, had fallen back to sleep only to be startled awake by her very angry mother thirty minutes later. It was the first time since kindergarten that had ever happened and Mia was terrified of what the repercussions would be if she didn't make it.

So it made sense when she almost cried with happiness as she turned the corner and saw the familiar, yellow vehicle in the not-to-far-distance, doors wide open. Knowing how cruel the bus driver could be, she only ran faster.

Cool relief instead of dread instantly flooded Mia's system for once in her life as the bus doors shut barely seconds after she'd gotten on. It, along with the nasty look from the driver, was proof of just how close she was to almost not making it.

The bus's smell of teenage body odor and sweat filled Mia's nostrils and she nearly gagged from the stench itself. She found a seat near the front and was quick to put her earbuds in, attempting to drown out the bus's antics and calm her breathing. In the next thirty minutes, Mia survived spit balls being shot at her, people screaming in her ears, and the horrible driving of the old and probably blind bus driver, Mrs. Morris.

The relief she felt getting off the bus was just as great as when she got on and she breathed in the fresh air of the outdoors greedily, grateful for its clean smell.

Her line of sight quickly shifted to her best friend, Anna, reading a book on one of the benches next to the doors of the school. Her long brown hair was pulled into a side braid and she wore a thick jacket that covered her shirt and blue jeans.

Mia walked over and sat next to her. A couple awkward beats passed and Mia cleared her throat, causing Anna to jump up in surprise and nearly drop her book onto the icy pavement.

"Hey, Mia," Anna said, startled. "How long have you been sitting there?"

"Long enough," Mia answered in a quiet voice, still embarrassingly a bit raspy from morning. She cleared her throat. "What book are you reading?"

Anna beamed and squealed. "My mom finally bought me Peter Pan In Scarlett!"

"You mean, as in the sequel to the book Peter Pan?" Mia asked slowly, trying to hide her look of distaste. She'd never been a fan.

Anna nodded. "It's so good and interesting... You can borrow it if you want." Her suggestion sounded hopeful.

"No. No thank you," Mia stated a bit more quickly than she'd intended to. "I haven't even read the first book and I don't think I'm going to anytime soon." She'd tried to read it. Once.

Anna shrugged dismissively. "Your loss." Anna closed her book and stuffed it inside her book bag. "So... are you excited for our sleepover tonight?"

"Of course I am," Mia said, raising both of her eyebrows. "I can't believe today is Friday already. Another week closer to graduating!" she said giddily, excited to leave her home. Don't get her wrong. Mia loved her mom. But ever since her father died when she was little, things had been—for a lack of better words—sad.

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