The Final Chapter

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Mia eye's fluttered open as she awoke from a deep sleep and she had to close them again from the blinding light that immediately assaulted her eyes. She blinked rapidly and forced herself to sit up. The sun now hit her directly in the face though the large bay window that gave a clear outlook to the bustling world below.

Her eyes widened at the sight.

"Finally. I thought you were dead."

Mia snapped her head in the direction of the voice and Anna was standing there with her hip cocked and her hands crossed across her chest. She was still in her cupcake pajamas from their sleepover. Dark smudges of her makeup were smeared around her eyes and her hair pointed in every direction as if she'd literally just rolled out of bed.

"Oh my God, Anna!" Mia exclaimed and ran over to throw her arms around her best friend.

"Woah," Anna said groggily and pushed her back slightly, staring at her like she was crazy. "Is everything ok?"

"Are you kidding? Everything's great! Wait..." Mia trailed off, realizing something.

She raced over and grabbed her phone off the floor, clicking the home button and turning on the lock screen. It was the same date as when she'd gone to Neverland, but just eight hours later.

"But I..." Mia trailed off, confused and with her heart sinking. "I thought I went to Neverland," she said softly, not believing what she was experiencing.

Anna looked at her sympathetically. "It's ok. I've had those dreams too, but I guess they're just dreams for now. It must've been the movie." She frowned and looked downward at her bare feet and green-painted toenails. "Peter never came for me. I guess you were right."

"No," Mia told her, shaking her head feverishly. "No, keep believing. He-," she licked her lips,"-he's real. I..." she trailed off, trying to find the right words.

She knew it couldn't have been a dream. How else could she explain how she still felt Pan's lips against hers and the sparks she had felt. Deep down in her heart she knew it was too real to ever be a dream. And despite the confusion that fogged her tired brain, the distinct thrum of magic through her veins grounded her to reality.

What had happened was real, she knew. There was no doubt.

Anna's eyes lit up and she squealed and tackled Mia into a hug. "I'm so happy. Now we can both wait for Peter together."

Mia pulled her best friend back by her shoulders, holding her at arm's length. "Anna, I'm about to tell you something. I might sound crazy but I swear every word is true."

And then Mia and Anna sat on her bed as Mia told her everything that had happened to her on Neverland, not leaving out one detail. Anna sat and listened to everything.

"So your dad is Merlin," Anna said slowly as if testing it on her tongue, "and you kissed Peter Pan."


"Mia, I love you but that's not possible, is it? I mean, you said you were there for over a month right? Unless Neverland really is outside of time–" Anna began rambling but Mia cut her short by opening her hand and inside was a fireball.

It was small with her magic being weakened by the Earth's unique atmosphere, but it was enough to make Anna squeak and stare at Mia with wide eyes full of child-like wonder.

Mia smiled reassuringly.

"Pan said I could take you to Neverland any time," Mia told her and Anna squealed, pulling her into another hug, this time ten times tighter than before.

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