Bonus Chapter #2

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Thanks to everyone who voted in the last chapter. I apologize to the people who didn't get their option chosen, but hopefully you still like this. :)

BONUS CHAPTER #2: Mia and Pan

Mia stared out into the open with her arms crossed across her chest in both distaste and anger.

How did we come to this? she asked herself and clicked her tongue annoyedly. The sword strapped to her left hip felt like dead weight and the daggers in her boot were rubbing just the wrong way on the bony part of her ankles.

"You look happy."

His voice annoyed her and made her heart leap all in one. She rolled her eyes and turned to the boy who, like her, hadn't changed in age one bit since they were eighteen. Although he now bore a light scruff of hair along his jawline and his hair was cut shorter, he was still the same boy she had learned to love.

The only thing that had really changed were their hearts and their eyes, tired and guarded, and the one thing perhaps that gave an idea of their true age.

"Shut it, Pan," she remarked with bitterness. Mia wanted to be alone and she knew he at least had the wits to know that fact.

There was a pause and for a split second Mia wondered if he'd finally decided to listen to her. "It wasn't your fault," Pan told her more gently as if he could read all of her thoughts that had been going through her head in that past week.

She scoffed sarcastically. "Of course it was my fault," she snapped, her magic swirling inside her like an untamed storm. "Everything is my fault nowadays, if you hadn't heard."

Like the gentle touch of a soothing mother, the wind blew trough her hair gently, too soft and calm for her liking. But in a way it reminded Mia exactly what she needed to know in that moment.

Staring down at Anna's tombstone, where colourful flowers now laid beside, her heart clenched and the tears in her eyes threatened to spill. "Do you know how she died?" Mia asked her first true love dryly.

"You don't have to tell me," he replied slowly, taking careful steps towards her. Pan could easily feel her magic, just as powerful like her father's, wanting to release itself.

"She was in her home. She had kids ya' know and a husband and a dog that smelled like sewer water all the damn time." Pan's lips quirked at the last comment even though Mia's tone was dull and lifeless. "She was happy and normal, something I was destined to never be and she knew that, yet she continued seeing me secretly as she aged and I had to stay behind." Mia's voice cracked slightly and her hands curled involuntarily at her sides. "And even though she hadn't stepped foot on magic soil in decades, she was murdered because of me."

"Stop saying that," Pan retorted as he came to stand next to her. "It was not your fault, Amalia. Stop blaming yourself for something you couldn't have prevented."

"Yes, I could've. I knew he was still bitter about what had happened and if I would've followed my instincts and confronted him—"

"Then Anna would still be dead." Mia flinched like she had been slapped, reality hitting her more than ever at his words. "No matter what the world teaches, words sometimes aren't enough to save lives," Pan argued and hesitantly reached down and rubbed the knuckles of her fist with his thumb until they relaxed and he could entwine their fingers together.

Mia closed her eyes and sniffled, feeling more vulnerable than since she was a child. For a moment, if she focused hard, she could imagine they were back in Neverland, when she was still a gullible teen and went on adventures with Anna and Pan until Anna grew up and had to stay away.

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