Chapter Eighteen

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I'm currently going back and editing EVERYTHING in this book. And I will be updating frequently from now on until it is finished. :)

Chapter 18

"I've been reborn."

Thomas blinked once. Twice.

And then he blinked a third time just to make sure he was seeing straight.

"Amalia..." he trailed off slowly, like a worried parent would to their child. "What are you talking about?"

Mia giggled again, her unnatural eyes that replaced their usual sea blue now glowing in the dimly lit room like gold, flickering flames. Her cold hands continued to cup his face and the pads of her thumbs brushed his cheeks delicately. She didn't say anything and continued looking him over, inspecting him.

"Amalia." Thomas said her name sternly and with a warning tone behind it. He needs answers. She was scaring him. "Amalia, you need to explain everything to me right now."

Her body grew stiff and her eyes flickered quickly before they stayed a consistent gold color. Her hands dropped into her lap and her head drooped slightly as if she was suddenly exhausted before recomposing herself.

Mia them stood slowly and walked over with confident strides to the table and waved her hands over it. The space above the table shimmered before a dozen candles appeared fully lit and gave the room a bright, orange glow.

Thomas looked around and when he tried to move, he was reminded of the thick pieces of rope cutting into the skin of his wrists and ankles and trying him down to the chair.

"You can do magic?" he asked surprised, his Russian heritage sounding more prominent than ever in his voice.

"Mhmm," Mia hummed while nodding her head, yes. "It's amazing what can be locked away in everyone and gone unnoticed. You just need the right key..." she said. "Master was my key," she added in a whisper like a person out of their mind which, in this moment, she was.

"Master? Like, the cloaked guy?" Thomas asked, trying to get answers while also looking around trying to figure out a way quietly in his mind on how to get out. He would be of no use to anyone if he was stuck to a chair.

Mia's face scrunched up and her white dress flowed beautifully behind her as she paced the room. Thomas would've mistaken her for an angel if it weren't for the circumstances they were both in. Mia's dark hair was in its natural messy state but her skin was unnaturally glowing with youth. It was too perfect and Thomas could see through the glamour. It reminded him that this wasn't Mia at all—just the mask of whatever enchantment that kept her true self locked away deep in her mind.

"Yes, he wears a cloak," Mia replied and paused. She took in a shaky breath before continuing. "He's going to make everything reborn just like me. Everything is going to be perfect."

"Nothing can be perfect," Thomas argued as a loose strand of his curly, dark brown hair fell in his face. He shook his head to try to move it back but to no avail.

In an instant Mia was in front of him, using her fingers to brush it away before she placed a tender kiss on his forehead.

He held back a cringe.

"You just wait, Thomas," she told him quietly, her lips brushing his ear with each word, "for soon you'll be reborn too."

Thomas flinched like her touch was covered in poison and he could feel his stomach drop and hit the floor.

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