Bonus Chapter #1

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BONUS CHAPTER: Rufio and Pan

Rufio scowled, a trait he had perfected from his father with every crease in his forehead and to the way one side of his lips was lower than the other.

Peter stood and frowned as well, but this one was of utter heartbreak, a feeling no toddler should ever have to experience. His father's rough and calloused hand felt like a dead weight on his shoulder. Peter planted his fists against his sides and bit the inside of his cheek, holding back the urge to push the man's hand away.

The smell of fresh soil entered the broken family's nostrils as they stood right next to the new mound of dirt surrounded by a seemingly endless sea of stones, crosses, and angels.

"Don't go crying, boy," their father spat to Peter, his hand tightening around his toddler's shoulder. "No woman is worth crying for."

That "woman" he spoke of was Peter's and Rufio's mother.

Peter wiped away the tear he didn't realize he had shed. His mother had been so kind to him and loving—the complete opposite of his cruel, uncaring father. Hearing her melodic and passionate-filled voice as she told him bedtime stories would be the moments he would miss the most. She always told the best stories, ones of adventure, fantasy, and happiness. Even if that day she had earned new bruises, she always made sure to smile for her children, especially for her small, sensitive Peter.

The simple gravestone with only her name and age seemed to be the wrong companion for her in every way possible. It was cold, dull, and lifeless; the complete contrast of what his mother was in life. His mother was warm, gentle, and loving and certainly never deserved to be used and murdered by the hands of ruthless pirates. In both life and death, she had only known abuse.

I will cut off the man's hand who had touched her, Peter vowed to himself silently. A vow he would eventually fulfill.

"Can we go?" Rufio grumbled impatiently, staring down at his brother with a cold hatred as if daring him to object like he knew the brat wanted to.

Peter kept his mouth in a firm, straight line to not upset his brother. Without his mother's protection, he needed Rufio to be on his side more than ever. All they had were each other, whether or not they liked it.

Their father brought his large hands to his sides and Peter breathed out a sigh of relief. "Let's go, boys."

Peter hesitated and was the last of the three to walk away, trailing behind begrudgingly. As they continued heading for the horse-drawn carriage, Peter made sure to turn his head over his shoulder to catch some last glimpses of his mother. Even as the carriage pulled away, his grey eyes stayed glued onto the round gravestone until it faded out of view.

Later that night, Peter couldn't sleep. Not even a wink.

"Would you stop that?" Rufio hissed from the bed right next to his.

Despite his older brother being next to him, Peter felt as if the entire cottage was empty and cold. It felt as if the life had been sucked right out of his so-called-home. But without his mom, it was merely a rundown two bedroom cottage with leaks in every room's ceiling and holes in the floorboards.

Rufio, who was only a year senior of Peter but acted much older, was finding the same problem with not getting any sleep. But it was only because Peter wouldn't stop tossing and turning and the noise was annoying him awake.

"I can't sleep."

"No crap, genius," Rufio told him sarcastically over his shoulder. "I figured that out two hours ago."

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