Chapter Fifteen

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I honestly was so happy to get just one vote and now this book *drum roll* has reached *still drummiiiiiiinnnggg aaaannnnddd rolllllliiiinnng* 1000 VOTES!!! Thank you guys so much!

Chapter 15

Tink hadn't expected to survive the blast.

So when she wiggled her fingers and gasped a cry when she felt the surging pain throughout her body, she was quite surprised to feel anything at all. What was even more surprising to her was that despite the unbearable pain, she only had a few minor injuries along her limbs such as a few lightly bleeding scratches and purple and blue bruises.

Mia lied next to her, as still as death.

Tink could see the forced, weak movements of her chest but her eyes were closed and her face was beat up badly. Blood covered the girl's scalp and intoxicated the luscious grass around her with a thick layer of sickening, crimson red. A single trickle of the same colored blood came out of her nose where Tink could hear her painful, labored breaths escape from.

Laughter filled the eerie silents only a split second later.

Tink with all her might had turned her head with a stiff neck to face the cloaked man whose shadowed mouth was upturned in amusement.

"I knew she had it in her!" he exclaimed, walking forward. "All she needed was a little push."

"I'd hardly call that push little," Tink had spat. She used her arms to push herself up onto her knees, her legs wobbling as she stood to her full height, but her chin stayed upturned with determination. "Look at her." Mia's arm twitched and her face involuntarily flinched from the pain that no doubt coursed through her. She was pale. Deathly pale. "She's on death's doorstep.'

The man laughed mockingly, belittling her. "I have to say, for a fairy of your age you are very stupid," he stated bitterly and walked closer before nudging Mia in her side with the point of his boot. Mia let out a weak cry of pain involuntarily, and curled protectively into the side he'd poked her, but still lacked the necessary strength to wake up. Tink winced. "She's not dying. In fact, she being reborn."

Tink gave him one of her most deadliest looks. "What are you toying at?"

"Can't you smell it? The magic in her veins is more prominent than ever in that small little hybrid body of hers. Mia is not dying but her human side is. Her using that power of magic is transforming her into my greatest weapon," he explained with such happiness that it sickened Tink to her core.

"Why are you telling me this?" Tink asked uneasy, taking a step back. For both of their sakes, she had to make it out of there alive. She just had to.

His gleeful smile vanished and was replaced with a vile smirk. "To tell Pan of course. You are working for him now, correct?"

"I am not working for anyone," she replied matter-of-factly. Tink frowned. "And what exactly is it that you want me to pass on?"

The man suddenly used his magic to flash in front of her, stroking her cheek idly with the back of his hand. Tink, after getting over the shock of his sudden closeness, jumped back from the touch of his unusually cold hands that made her shiver.

He found her reaction amusing and chuckled.

"Tell him that..." he paused, as if thinking, "... I'm going to destroy everything that he cares about." The cloaked man looked at Mia and smiled wickedly. "Starting with her."

The cloaked man then had blown something into her face, making her lose control over her own body like a puppet—almost like it was never even hers. She felt and saw herself unravel her green, bug-like wings, shrink until she was about the size of a cicada, and proceed to fly away from the scene, helpless to stop herself or do anything at all.

Only minutes later was she in Pan's camp and being held up by the said boy in his arms as she collapsed when her tiredness finally won out.

"I'll deal with you later," she heard Pan say to Thomas, a Lost Boy she had known well when she still had lived with them there in the camp.

She could feel Pan carry her and could tell that he was running from the way her body bobbed up and down as a quick pattern in his arms with every harsh step. Suddenly, his sharp movements ceased and her back was no longer being supported by his arms. A soft mattress replaced his firm grip and Tink breathed in the scent of pine deeply, taking in the old memories that accompanied it.

"Drink this."

Pan's hand propped up her head as he poured the cooling liquid down her throat before she could even give a reply. Tink gagged as its taste finally settle down her tongue.

"What is that?" she coughed, her nose scrunching up in disgust. "It tastes like piss."

"Oh, really? And how would you know that?" Pan replied coyly, knowing full well of how, when, and why she knew what it tastes like while also avoiding her question.

She threw him a nasty glare.

He picked the cup up and tossed it somewhere else in the tent, it clanking against a bookshelf before falling onto the floor.

Tink then recognized the tent as his private one outside of camp and looked around at all the shelves of trinkets he had stored up over the years. Tink didn't say anything, but with her keen fairy eyesight she instantly recognized Wendy's thimble, shiny as if it were new, placed delicately on top of an old, used book.

After all this time... Tink pondered and for the first time ever felt slight remorse for Pan. He truly did care for Wendy, and it broke him when she died. He had given her everything that she'd wanted, had treated her like a true queen of Neverland, and had begged her and begged her to stay when she announced her wish to leave after Rufio's betrayal.

That year, Neverland had had its harshest winter yet and when Pan finally came out of hiding, he was ten times colder.

"What happened?" Pan suddenly asked coming into her line of sight again, holding a piece of parchment accusingly. "Magic is radiating off of you more than usual. The entire island itself feels different. Why?"

"How should I know?" Tink said dismissively. Her joints groaned when she stood up, walking to the other side of the room and turned her back to him. "It's your island, Pan. Shouldn't you be the one to tell me what's wrong with it?" Now, she was just being smart with him.

He let out a growl of irritation. "Stop being this way. I know you know something, fairy. This isn't just about what happened between us anymore. There are lives at stake."

"I know." Tink sighed, feeling guilty for letting her own emotions get in the way, and turned to face him once more. "I found her. I found Mia."

"You did? Where?" Pan asked, his eyes bright with his full attention on whatever she had to say next.

With that, she breathed, "Pixie Hollow."


A/N: Dang this is short. So... Pan or Thomas's POV? Either way I'll write them both but I'd like to know which one you prefer first. :)
Thanks for reading.

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