Chapter 2 - "Kiss your boo boo's"

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My Over Protective Brothers. Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.

"The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive." -  John Green

Sawyer ^


Aspen POV.

"Party jumping, neighbours can't go sleep, now the neighbours tryna call the police fuck the feds"

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I groaned another stupid day at school with pointless drama from pointless slags. I got up and rolled up my top looking at my back noticing the nail marks starting to bruise.

Parker came strolling into my room. He gasped. "Aspen what happened?"

"Oh nothing Parker. Did you want something?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"No Bennett sent me up to get you up" He walked over to me and placed his cold hands on my nail marks and kissed them "I kissed your boo boo"

"Thank you Parks" I kissed the top of his head. He ran out giggling.

I done my normal morning routine. I put on black leggings and a white, grey and black Adidas jumper and put my hair in a ponytail. I put my Adidas shoes on and walked downstairs.

In the kitchen all the boys were eating their breakfast.

"I kiss your boo boo again Aspen" Parker said coming over placing another kiss on my back over my jumper.

No, god. All the boys heads snapped up to me and had looks of worry and anger. I gulped.

"What boo boo's Aspen?" Ben said raising his eyebrow perfectly. One day, just one day I'll be that good.

"I haven't got a boo boo" I got a cup of water and took sips from it.

"What boo boo's Parker?" Ben turned to Parker sitting in his chair.

I wanted to shake my head but half the heads were on Parker and half were on me.

"The one's on her back. The purple one's" Parker said. He just had to know his colours and know what a god damn boo boo was.

"Let's see them then" Xavier said standing up walking over to me.

I shook my head and walked backwards into a wall. God damn another wall in the middle of the kitchen. I turned my head and saw Hayden behind me smirked. He grabbed me and turned me around. Someone lifted up my jumper and they all gasped.

"Who the fuck done that Aspen?" Grayson asks.

"No one I was ran into some spikes yesterday oops" I said with a nervous laugh.

"No Aspen they are nail marks. IN YOUR FUCKING BACK" Bennett shouted.

"Well don't worry about it" I ran to the door picking up my bag and running to the bus stop.

The bus arrived after about 5 minutes of waiting.

I put my headphones in and listened to some Drake. After what seem liked forever the bus arrived at the school.

I walked through the parking lot and noticed my brothers car already here. Guess it's avoiding them all day. I walked to my locker and saw Sawyer there on her phone.

"Hey Sawyer" She jumped and slapped my arm.

"God fuck don't do that Aspen, but hey" I just laughed. "Do you mind telling why Derek and maybe half your brothers are texting me asking me where you are?" She said.

My Over Protective Brothers. | #Wattys 2016.Where stories live. Discover now