Epilogue Part 2.

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My Over Protective Brothers. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved.

"Love all. Trust few. Everything's real but not everyone's true." - Unknown.


Epilogue Part 2.

Eight Years Later...

We were all having a BBQ in the garden today. All except Grayson. He got deployed for another mission around a year ago and has been gone for around a year. We all miss him so much.

"Mumma, Mumma." I felt a tug at my dress. I looked down at my 3 year old daughter Adella. She has her dad's hair and eyes but my lips and nose.

When me and Tyler got married we soon found out that I was pregnant with Adelle. When we told my brothers they went from rage to happiness. Literally Bennett got up and punched Tyler so hard he broke his jaw. So yeah.

"Yes sweetie?" I picked her up and placed her on my hip.

"Where dada?" She pouted.

"He is coming home soon sweetie, your uncle's are coming soon." She started giggling she does love her uncles.

I heard the doorbell go and Adella jumped down from my arms running to the door. reached the door and saw Adella trying to reach the handle but she was too short.

I opened the door and was faced with Bennett and his wife Effie. They were a cute couple, both tall and lawyers. Bennett owned the Anderson's Law Firm, it was massive and he was earning loads. Parker was still living with him but sometimes would stay over here. 

"Hey Bennett and Effie." I wiggled my eyebrows at Effie.

"Hey Aspen, hey there Addy." Bennett said kissing my cheek before picking Adelle up.

"Hey Aspen." Effie gave me a hug and kissed my cheek.

I saw Xavier and his wife drive into our drive way and step out the car. His wife Rayna was a model and oh was she beautiful. Xavier finally joined the FBI. They both walked hand in hand towards the door. Xavier gave me a kiss on the forehead and Rayna kissed my cheek saying hello. Brett was trailing behind him with his wife Serena.

I shut the door and ushered them all to the kitchen. I gave Ben and Xavier a beer and the girls wine.

"How you doing?" Xavier asked.

"I'm good, how you all doing?" I asked them.

I heard around off 'goods.'

I heard a giggle and saw Adella poke her head around the corner. I did wondered where she drifted off too.

"Mummy I hiding from Uncle Xavy." She giggled.

"Princess Addy you hiding from?" Xavier turned his head to her. She began giggling more louder each time Xavier would take a step towards her, he went to grab her but she squeaked and ran off with Xavier trailing behind her.

"She truly is something special. Just like you when you was younger." Bennett said to me.

I just grinned at him and laughed with the girls. We heard a loud sound and Bennett said he was going to check it out.

I turned to Effie and Rayna who both looked at me weird. I signalled them to lean in. "What?" Effie said.

"I'm pregnant." I grinned at them.

Their jaws dropped and shut and dropped and shut again. "Holy shit."

"Oh shit. Who knows?" Rayna asked.

My Over Protective Brothers. | #Wattys 2016.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora