Chapter 9 - "Virgin till you die."

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My Over Protective Brothers. Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.

"A Smile Is A Curve That Sets everything Straight." - Unknown.


After the aquarium Tyler took me out for some pizza. It was cute little diner and all the waitress were dressed from the 60's.

He dropped me off home and it was just one minute before six. God luck is on my side today.

I opened the door. "Hey" I shouted to the house and was met with the furious faces of my brothers.

"Urm what's up guys?" I asked confused.

"Grayson saw you with Tyler all cuddled up in a booth with him at the diner" Bennett spat. "I trusted you Aspen, to go out a have a nice day out with Sawyer because now your grounded for a very long time. God I'm stupid I trusted you" Bennett said glaring at me.

"Why can't you let me date?! It's fine for you all to use girls and date them. But for me it's different why? I don't want to be a virgin till I'm 40 you know" I said moving my hands around.

"We don't want you to get hurt like before Aspen. We can't trust any boys. Look Lia-"

"Don't say his fucking name! Don't fucking say it" I screamed at him. "Please don't say it" I whispered.

"I know baby girl but we have to take precautions you know"

"I know but I can trust Tyler, his nice and respectable. He wouldn't hurt me" I said.

"We don't know that yet Aspen. But please, please be careful that's all we are asking" Bennett pleaded. I nodded and went over to hug him. But got stopped by Xavier.

"Hell you're a virgin till you die" he smirked at me.

I folded my arms over my chest and glared at him.

"But who says I'm a virgin anyway" I smirked back at him. All their faces dropped.

"Aspen?" I heard Parker say.

"Yes Parker" I bend down to his height.

He raises his hand like his in class "what's a virgin?"

"Urm not me?" I chuckle and all the boys glare at me. "I'm joking, maybe. Well ummm Bennett take the lead" I push Bennett in front of me.

Parker tilts his head to the side "I hear that before when Hay-Hay watch TV with the girls boobies showing"

"You let him watch porn?" Bennett shouted at Hayden.

Hayden stands there rubbing the back of his neck jumping foot to foot. "He walked in on me I didn't know he was even there"

Bennett mumbles curse words under his breath. He kneels down in front of Parker, "A virgin is someone who-"

"No don't ruin his innocence. Parker it's no one just a bad word okay?"

"Okay a bad bad word" he says. We all nod.

"Can we please address the issue that Aspen is not a virgin" Hayden says.

"Please tell me my baby sister is still innocence" Grayson fake prays.

"Nope. I'm surprised that shit fit God it was magical" I tried not to laugh.

"Who was it" Xavier tries to keep his anger under control.

"I really can't remember it was just a blur. It was so b-"

"Don't finish that! Just tell us who it is" Xavier cut me off.

"Big" a smug smile appears on my face. I can't hold this any longer. I burst out laughing, I laugh so hard tears pool in my eyes. I can't breathe. "You guys are gullible" I pat Bennett's chest. It hurts my hand. "What are you man of steel?" I ask him.

"Oh no pure muscle baby" I fake gag looking at Him.

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