Chapter 32 - "Brightest Stars."

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My Over Protective Brothers. Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.

"Don't forget that I'm human, don't forget that I'm real. You act like you know me, but you never will." – Justin Bieber.


Aspen's POV.

I've been sitting up in this hospital bed for five days, not including the day I was in a coma which was five days so should make it ten days. I had been stuck with dirty hospital food. Everyone comes by at least once a day and I make either Bennett, Brett or Xavier stay here with me. It makes me feel safer even though Liam and his goons are locked away.

I'm having trouble with sleeping as the nightmares haunt me, so sometimes the doctor gives me sleeping pills to help me sleep without nightmares.

Everyday Noah muscles are getting bigger and he is so over protective of Amelia it is adorable.

Tyler comes by every day and bring some real food, then we have a make out session. Which gets interrupted by one of my brothers.

Today I finally get to go home. Me and Bennett are just waiting for the doctor to sign the papers for my release.

"Man I can't wait to go home." I groaned.

"I know you've been saying that for the last hour." I just grinned sheepishly at him.

"I know but the feel of my own bed Bennett." I dreamed off my bed.

"Okay I get it, the feel of your bed, the taste of Xavier's food and the list is endless." He said.

"I can't help it. When do I go back to school?"

"In about 2 days." He said looking at his watch.

"Does my face look okay? I don't want to be getting looks Ben." I frowned.

"It's just bruised Aspen, it had gone down a lot, but Stacey won't be bothering you anymore. But you have your brothers, Ty and his friends and Sawyer." I nodded my head at him.

"Have you noticed Noah lately? How different he is?" I asked him.

"Yeah he has a lot of muscles now, he asked to use my weights and get him a punching bag. I think he wants to be able to protect you and himself from the bullies."

"But he is only young Ben, he doesn't need to."

"I can't stop him Aspen, it is his choice. But if it gets out of hand I'll tell him to stop." He said just as the Doctor walked in.

Bennett signed the papers and got the pills I needed from the Doctor.

"Aspen you need to take care and relax for a bit. Get that young girl Sawyer or someone to help you in the shower or bath because we don't want any more accidents."

Oh yeah last time. Bennett went to the café to get some coffee, but I needed a shower so I helped myself and well I got both my casts wet, I opened all my stitches and fell on the shower floor creating a bump on my forehead. So that is how Bennett found me on the floor. Naked and cold. I screamed at him to get out and Sawyer came in and helped me.

"Also Aspen if you have nightmares take the pills. Also if you need anything ask for help." He said. He shook mine and Bennett's hand and walked out saying I was free to head home.

"Home sweet home." I grinned. "So Benny boy you wanna carry me?" I batted my eyelashes at him.

He groaned but picked me up anyway. "Oh shit, warning next time man." I slapped his chest.

"I picked you up did I not?" He pointed a look at me.

"Yeah yeah, just go. I want some muscles." I said randomly flexing my not existent muscles.

"We can do some exercise when you get better." Then I realised I had to exercise.

"Oh then no its okay." I grinned at him, he just laughed at me.

He unlocked the car and opened the passenger side and gently put me down. He shut the door as I began buckling my seatbelt in. Bennett got in and started headed home.

I must off fell asleep because someone picked me up and I opened my eyes to see Grayson.

"Hey Gray," I said tired.

"Hey Aspen, you wanna go bed or living room?"

"Urm bed please my body hurts." I said as he walked through the door. He began walking up the stairs.

He slowly lowered me onto my bed and kissed my forehead. "I love you Aspen."

"I love you too Gray." I smiled at him.

It was rare for Grayson to say that but when he did it always made me smile. He walked out my room and shut the door.

I really didn't want to be alone. I needed fresh air.

I got out my bed and limped to the stairs, I sat on my bum and slid down the stairs slowly trying not to damage myself anymore. I lifted myself up and quickly limped to the back garden.

I sat on the rocking car. It was my mum's. I would sit curled up on her lap while we watched the boys play football. We would laugh when everyone would tackle dad. Because I was their princess I couldn't play because they would be playing roughly. Then if someone would get hurt mum would rush out to them and cause a fuss.

I felt tears well in my eyes. I miss them so much.

I got up and walked into the middle off the garden and sat down. I lay down and looked up at the stars. I tried to find the two brightest stars.

"I miss you. I miss you so much." I cried out. "Why did you leave us? I miss you both. Come back please. Please come back."

I felt someone squeeze my hand, I turned my head and saw Derek laying beside me, "I miss them too."

I felt another squeeze on my other hand, I looked and saw Bennett. Soon enough we were all out here looking up and the stars.

My Over Protective Brothers. | #Wattys 2016.Where stories live. Discover now