Chapter 4

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The moment I stepped onto the 5th floor, I could feel that all eyes were on me.

"Ms. Wilson?"

I almost didn't see her. She had a petite figure. I was almost a head taller than she was. She had a stern expression on her face. Her partially gray hair was tied neatly in a bun. She looked around her mid 40's.

"That's me," I replied quickly. I knew I was late which was all because of that jerk that was blocking the way downstairs. If I lose this job interview, I swear I'm going to hunt him down and beat the daylights out of him.

"You're late," she said as she started walking toward an office. I quickly followed behind her. "Even though you haven't gotten the job yet, it's common knowledge to not be late for things like this. Our employees are all expected to be at least 5 minutes early and never late. If you pass my interview for you, let me make this clear- do not be late. Your boss, the CEO, hates tardiness. He'll fire you immediately."

I gasped. What kind of boss was that strict? Getting fired just for being late? "I apologize for being late. It won't happen again."

She nodded. "Let's begin the interview then."

As we got closer the office, I saw the nameplate nailed on the door that said "Nancy Libbs, Manager of the Human Resources Department". She opened the door and let me go in first. I heard her shut the door behind me. 

Her office was fairly decent. A Wright desktop computer sat on her desk along with an office phone. A leather couch sat near the door with a matching coffee table.

We sat down facing each other on the couch and she continued to talk.

"I'll get straight to it. Why do you need so much money? The amount of money you asked for as your salary was too much, don't you agree?" She watched me quietly and waited for a response.

I hesitated for a few seconds. Should I tell her everything? True, I needed a lot of money, but I did not like getting pity points from others. "Long story short, I have a debt to pay and the debt collectors are rushing me so I need it," I explained.

Mrs. Libbs was silent for a couple minutes, letting the information I told her process. I began to worry that maybe she was going to reject me, but then she looked up from her hands with a smile.

"We'll hire you-" she started to say.

Oh my Lord, did she just say what I thought she said? I got the job?!? "Really!? Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" I was grinning from ear to ear in happiness at just the mere thought of being debt free.



"For us to give such a large amount of money at once to someone, there are certain conditions that must be met."

"Yes?" I waited expectantly. Hopefully they weren't too hard for me to satisfy. 

"After a deep discussion with the other staff of the HR department, we agreed that this deal can be seen as an investment if you are tied down to the company for a number of years. That way, you get the money you need to pay off your debt and we get the personal secretary we need for our CEO without the risk of you suddenly leaving us after receiving the money."

I guess that made sense... I didn't mind being forced to be a secretary as long as my debt was paid off. It wasn't like being a secretary was anything out of the ordinary. Just a typical office position, right? "How many years are you thinking? And is that the only condition you require?"

"I was just about to get into that. You'll be working for us for three years and that is not the only condition. Obviously there are employee protection laws for you against whistle-blowing and sexual harassment, but besides those major exceptions, we expect you to toughen up against our CEO and hold your position the entire duration. He has a personality that is a bit difficult to manage but remember how much money you received and endure the three years."

That didn't sound too bad. Three years at a nice company sounded better than working as a waitress depending on meager wages and tips to pay back my debt. "That's fine. I can do that."

She gave a nod of satisfaction. "We'll transfer your desired amount by the end of the day."

I am about to nod back when I remember I needed some extra money for daily expenses too. "Is the apartment fully stocked?" I asked. "Will it be stocked regularly?"

"Yes. That is included, I suppose. Don't expect too much though. It depends on the mood of person restocking."

I did a quick calculation of the minimal amount of money needed every month for the next three years now that food is not a problem and smiled. "Thank you. Can we actually adjust the amount by adding an extra five thousand?" That should be enough for personal hygiene products and etc.

"We'll need to sign a contract in just a moment, but let me review the facts. You'll be starting work today if that's alright with you-" Mrs. Libbs said, looking at me for confirmation.

"Yes yes, that's fine, absolutely fine." Anything was better than not having money to pay Richard and Mrs. Barnes.

"Great. So as you already know, you'll be working as a personal secretary under the CEO of this building. Mr. Christian Wright. You'll be on the 12th floor. Like I said earlier, be on time. Please do not be late. If you have any other questions, feel free to stop by."

"Okay, I will."

"Now here's the contract I mentioned. It just states that you'll work here for about 5 years since that was how much time it was when we split the money you requested." She slid a contract in my direction on the coffee table.

I picked it up and started to read it.


For the next three years, Cali Wilson will be indebted to Wright Corporations. 

Ms. Wilson has received an apartment and her choice of salary: a million and five thousand dollars ($715,000) which will be paid in full. She will then spend the said five years paying off her debt to the company. 

If it so happens that she tries to break this contract, she will be fired immediately and will not get the rest of her requested salary. In addition, Wright Corporations will bring charges against her for breaking the contract early.

I signed it with no more questions asked. I got up and headed for the door.

"Ms. Wilson! I almost forgot. Here are your house keys for the free apartment we promised." She placed a key into my hand and went back to work.

With another thank you, I walked outside her office and headed to the elevators.

I pressed the "up" button and waited for the elevator. As I waited, I looked at the key she gave me. The address was scribbled in a messy cursive on a piece of paper attached to them. I couldn't recognize the address. New York was pretty big and I only stayed in a small part of the city my entire life. Hopefully, the place isn't too shabby.

When the elevator arrived, I pressed the button for the 12th floor. Hm, Christian Wright. Maybe he'll be a kind boss and not those OCD neat freak ones in the Korean dramas I've watched when I was younger. And please don't be like the jerk-face one I saw earlier.

His Personal Secretary |  ✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ