Chapter 13

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Christian's POV

A/N: Here's Christian's POV as you guys have requested!! FYI this chapter starts from when Cali decides to leave just to clear things up! :D

"You know what! I had enough of your spoiled attitude," she got up from the bed and walked toward the door.

Instead of feeling overjoyed that she was no longer going to be in my life, I felt an emotion I was not familiar with. A feeling of... emptiness? Sadness? Perhaps... no way.. was I sad that she was going to leave? Did her annoying personality somehow grow onto me?

My heart began to pound nervously against my ribcage when I saw that she was just inches away from the door. From leaving. Was I scared that she'd leave me?

She reached for the doorknob... And I panicked.

In the spur of the moment, right before she could grasp onto the knob, I did the unexpected: I stopped her. My legs moved as if they were not my own and when I got to her, I grabbed onto her hand and pulled her away from the door. What the heck was I doing? This was so unlike me... wh-what's wrong with me??? Did I need to see a doctor?

"I wasn't finished talking."

She tried to shake my hand off, but I tightened my grip. "Let go. You wanted me to leave, didn't you? That's what I'm doing!" She tried to again free herself but it was no use. Why wasn't I letting go? I never felt so confused in my life. What she said was completely correct, I had wanted her to leave... didn't I?

"Oh I changed my mind. You should've left when you I told you before. Looks like you lost your chance." This was the only excuse to explain my sudden behavior, but the moment those words came out of my mouth, I instantly wanted to take them back. Wha.. why.. why did I say that? I clearly wanted to get rid of her then why did I say that?

Then she had to go and make a bet. And I, of course, never turn down a bet. I was going to win this bet no matter what. There was no way in hell I was going to lose. Especially not to that Wilson woman. And while I did this, I was going to figure why on earth I stopped her in the first place.


If someone were to ask me how I would feel if I were to wake up completely soaked in icy cold water, I would ask that person why he/she would waste their time and saliva to ask such a useless question since something like that would never ever ever happen in my life. NEVER.

But who knew that something as stupid like that would happen to me????

I woke up shivering. Did I not turn up the heater? Why was it so cold? Then I found out why. I was drenched in water from waist down. And that was not all. Wilson was on top of me.

I gritted my teeth as I tried to contain my anger. Calm down... calm down.. don't forget about the bet, if you explode you'll lose and you wouldn't want that.... the thought of losing calmed me down.

"Get. Off. Me."

"I'm so so so sorry!!!" she stuttered apologetically and quickly got off. "Are you okay?" she then asked worriedly.

"Like you care. You did this on purpose, didn't you??"

"I swear I didn't. I just wanted t-"

"Whatever. Get out of my room. Now. I don't want to see you."

"Just let me dry this up. You're shivering," she said before running out of the room. She returned a few minutes later with a towel. She began dabbing it on my pants. Slowly she moved upward...

"Where do you think you're touching?!?!?" I exclaimed in horror.

Her cheeks flushed red in embarrassment when she realized what had happened. "I'm so sorry!!"

"Just get out."

"Are you sure you don't want to change out of those wet clothes?" she asked.

Wow she sure is a chatterbox when she's apologetic. "I'll do it later."

"Oh.. okay then. I'm sorry again," she apologized and started to leave. She stopped at the door and turned around. "You know, we never really discussed what the loser has to do for the bet we made..."

"Any ideas?" I sighed. Why was she talking about this now? Did she already forget what she just did to me?

"Loser has to do anything the winner wants for a day," she smiled. The ends of her lips lifting upwards at the mere idea of it. "I wonder what I should make you do..."

"Don't get excited just yet. I haven't lost so you could still be the loser."

"Yeah yeah do keep telling yourself that. So you agree with the punishment?"

"Of course since I'll be the winner."

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