Chapter 33

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A few weeks later...

I stacked our dirty dinner plates into the dishwasher and went over to Christian, who was relaxing on the sofa.

"Let's take a walk around the park nearby," I suggested, sitting down beside him.

He groaned. "Do we have to??"

"Yes. We need to work off some of the calories from the food we just ate."

He didn't get up and groaned again. "Can't we do it another time?"

"When will that be? Like next year? You're always busy with work- meetings, business trips... you like come home like only once a week," I complained. Ever since we got back together, things went back to normal. Well almost. I thought I would return as his personal secretary but that wasn't the case. After all, my contract did get terminated. Christian did all that he could to bring me back, but it was no use. The Human Resources department already hired a new secretary, a male one this time, from what I heard. Although Christian did give me his unlimited credit card, I felt bad to use his money so I either just stayed home or went to the library to waste time.

He looked at me with guilty eyes and I knew that what I said was getting to him. I just needed to do one more thing to finish this and then it'll be game over.

I put on my best puppy eyes and pretended to be sad. "Pleaseeee... come onnnn... pleaseee..." I grabbed onto one of his arms and swung it side to side, almost like a little kid. "Pleaseeee..."

"Fine fine fine, let's go." He got up and put on his black hoodie.

We put on our shoes and left the house.


Christian quietly slipped his fingers into mine as we walked down the sidewalk. The sun already set and the moon was shining brightly in the dark, cloudless sky. I shivered as the wind blew on me. I had only realized a couple minutes ago that I had forgotten to get something warm to wear before heading out.

"Are you cold?" he asked worriedly, noticing my shivers.

"N-no," I said, my teeth chattering.

He didn't expose my lie even though it was quite obvious and pulled me closer to him. He let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we continued to walk.

Halfway there, I spotted an old lady selling hot chocolate across the street.

"Ooh look! Someone's selling hot chocolate!" I pointed out to Christian.

"Do you want to drink it?" he asked.

I nodded excitedly. "I haven't drunk hot chocolate in forever."

"Okay then let's cross the street."

We walked over to the crosswalk a few steps away and pressed the button to wait for the signal. When it was safe to cross, we crossed the street and walked towards the hot chocolate stand I saw. There wasn't a line so it didn't take long for us to buy our drinks. Christian paid the old lady and handed me a cup of the hot chocolate. The warmth of the drink warmed up my cold hands. I took a small sip of the hot liquid and savored the sweet taste of chocolate.

"Is it good?" Christian asked, taking a gulp of it. "Arghh hot!" he exclaimed a few seconds later.

"That's why you drink it slowly," I smirked.

"I didn't think it would be that hot." This time he took a small sip of it, learning from his mistake.

Slowly, we headed back over to the crosswalk. As we waited, Christian's phone started to ring. "Hold on Cali, let me answer this real quick." He took out his phone from his pocket and answered it. "Hello....."

As he conversed with the other person through the phone, the signal appeared. It was safe to cross. I might as well go first and wait for him on the other side, who knows how long that phone conversation was going to be. I started to walk forward and before I even reached the middle of the street, Christian called out from behind me. I turned around and saw that he was no longer on his phone. He took a few steps toward me when suddenly a dark colored compact car appeared out of nowhere. I watched in absolute horror as it slammed into Christian's body. His body hit the windshield, rolled over the hood of the car before dropping onto the pavement with a sickening thud.

I thought the car would stop at one point, but it didn't. It kept driving forward, away from here. Was this not an accident? A hit and run?

This was not the important thing right now. I had to go check on Christian. I prayed that he was still breathing. That he did not leave me.

Other cars stopped on the street, the drivers coming out to see what happened. I ignored them and ran toward the body lying motionlessly on the ground.

I knelt down beside his body and I held his head up when I felt something sticky and warm on my hands. I had a feeling of what it was but I still took out one of my hands to check. It was blood.

"Someone call the police!!" I screamed at the people crowding around us. "Call the police!!!" I cried desperately. "Please!! Someone is hurt here!!!"

I felt a tiny bit better to see someone nearby take out their phone to call. "Thank you," I murmured before looking back at Christian. His face had scrapes and cuts on it. They were also bleeding. His eyes were closed and his breathing slow. I was glad to see that he was still alive. "Christian," I said quietly. "Open your eyes... tell me that you're okay... yell at me.. do whatever... just don't be like this.." My vision blurred as tears rolled down my cheeks. "Please wake up, please," I begged, snot coming out of my nose. "Don't leave me like this. I can't lose you... this is all my fault..."

There was no response from him. He laid in my arms, limp. Sirens filled the air as police cars and an ambulance rushed over to the scene.

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