Chapter 36

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Cali's POV

I never left the US. I didn't leave the country like she told me to. Who was she to tell me what to do? In fact, I didn't use a single penny from the cheque she gave me. I never once thought about using her money. I knew that once I used this cheque, I would be admitting to what everyone said that I was- someone who was sticking by Christian for his money and I wasn't going to let that happen.

The cheque she gave me was kept in a safe place for the day.. the day I'll throw it at her face, just like what she did to me before.

I did not leave him. I was going to come back. I was going to come back as a changed Cali. I was going to earn my own money and use it to make myself better before returning. That day.. the guilt for what happened to Christian was suffocating me, but the thought of leaving Christian never crossed my mind. I only left because I knew that Christian's mother was going to keep using that as an excuse to keep me away. I had to leave my flaws so then, she had no other reason to forbid me from dating her son. And that was my plan.

Even if that means I have to work multiple jobs to earn that money. I already made a plan on what I was going to do- I was going to back to school, graduate,  get a good paying job, and maybe get my own place. To start off this plan of mine, I registered in an adult night school to catch up on what I missed in high school after I dropped out. Since that only took up my evenings, during the day, I worked a part time job to earn money.

When I finished adult school in about 2 months, I applied for several colleges in the area and prayed that my application wouldn't be rejected. And it didn't. I got accepted into a college that didn't require the SATS and chose to major in Business Management. It was tough to work and study at the same time, but it was what I had to do for my future. No, it was what I had to do for our future- Christian and mine's.

On campus, I made a new friend. Her name was Julie, she was the same age as me, but she knew much more about the world than I did. She was majoring in Environmental Science and had a strong passion to save the earth from global warming. Our second year in college, we moved out and shared an apartment together. There, we got to know each other and became closer.

3 long years later, I graduated with a Bachelor's degree. Not wasting time, I quickly looked for open positions nearby. As I waited to hear from them, I did some more part time jobs.

The companies I applied to never called me back. I didn't get the job. I was starting to think that maybe I was fated to work part time jobs for the rest of my life when an once in a lifetime opportunity came along- Samsung Group had a job opening. This was my chance to return as Cali Wilson- the college graduate with a diploma who was trying out for the job and not the personal secretary that "seduced" the CEO. Even though I had not planned for this to happen, this was even better. It'll be even easier to come back as the new me.

I immediately applied to the job and hoped for the best.

They sent me an email a few days later telling me to come for an interview the next day at 9. I squealed in joy. I was going to go back to that same company again. I was going to see Christian! I missed him so much. Did he wake up from his coma? I hope that he was okay and all better by now. I wonder if he changed over the past 3 years...

Julie went shopping with me to buy a new outfit for my interview. She knew how important it was to me.

"Oooh this one looks nice!!" she said holding up a pink strapless dress.

"We're looking for clothes suitable for an interview, not a club!" I laughed, walking toward the more formal clothes area.

After going through 2 racks already, I was about to give up when I spotted the perfect outfit. It was on a mannequin. A black blouse with a red pencil skirt. I checked the price tag and gasped at the price. It was expensive! I was about to turn around when Julie stopped me.

"Do you like that one?" she asked, looking at the mannequin. "It would look good on you."

"It's too expensive, I still need to save money to get my own place," I shook my head.

"You're staying at my place, you don't have to rush yourself to move out," she said. "Go and buy it."


"Buy it. You need some new clothes. All your clothes are so last year," Julie complained with a roll of her eyes.

"Fine fine fine." I was only giving up because this interview was really important to me.

I paid for it at the front and we left the store to eat.

The next day, I woke up at 8 and started to get ready. I showered and curled my short brown hair. Besides getting new clothes, Julie persuaded me to change my look so I got a haircut. I changed into the clothes I bought yesterday and put a tiny bit of makeup on. A little blush and a little lip gloss. I slipped on black pumps and grabbed my bag. I was ready to go.

"Good luck!!" Julie ran out from the kitchen and hugged me. "Go and get back your man," she whispered. I had told her about Christian and what happened.

I drove Julie's car to the company. It was a 10 minute drive. I parked it in the first empty spot I saw and nervously walked toward the entrance.

People whispered and stared as I walked toward the front desk. Did they recognize me?

At the front desk, I asked where I was suppose to go. I was relieved to see that snobby front desk lady wasn't there.

"Go up to the 1st floor and get your name tag," she said kindly with a smile. I totally like this lady better than the other one.

"Thank you."

"No problem, best of luck on your interview."

I grinned and walked to the same elevators I waited in front of the first time I came. Someone was waiting in front of it. He was tall and had a nice build. Dressed in a suit, he was speaking on his phone.

"... yes... uh huh.. I understand... the business proposal was sent...."

His voice sounded oddly familiar. I had a feeling of who it was, but I wasn't sure so I just stood there. I waited for him to turn around.

He must've felt my gaze. I watched as he slowly begun to turn around.  His eyes widened. Jaw falling down.

"Long time no see, Christian," I smiled, tears in my eyes with happiness.

"... uh I'll call you back." He hung up on the person and stared at me in shock. "C-Cali?"

We stared into each other's eyes, happy to see each other.

We stand in the same place we first met.

We were back together, at last.

A/N: I'm planning on an epilogue, but I'm not sure yet. And this is the end of Cali and Christian's love story. Thank you for your support!!!! XOXO

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