Chapter 34

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The paramedics carefully lifted him off the ground and onto a gurney. They put him inside the ambulance.

"Can I come with you guys?" I asked one of the paramedics, looking over at Christian who was lying down perfectly still, looking lifeless. It was heartbreaking to see him like this. I bit back my tears and told myself that I had to be strong, for Christian's sake.

"Are you his guardian?" the paramedic asked.

"I'm his girlfriend," I said to him.

He gave me an approving nod. "Hurry and get on. We need to get to the nearest hospital as fast as possible."

"Thank you so much," I said quickly before getting into the back of the ambulance. I took a seat and reached over to Christian's hand and held onto it tightly with both hands. A tear fell onto our clasped hands as I prayed for him to be alright. Please be okay... God I beg you... don't let anything bad happen to him.. I can't bear to lose him... please.


I got off and watched from the side as the paramedics took Christian out of the ambulance. Nurses came rushing out of the automatic doors to pick him up. They pushed him inside the emergency room as a doctor came out.

"How is his condition?" the doctor asked a nurse, jogging alongside the gurney.

"27-year-old male. Got into a car accident. Lost a lot of blood. Currently unconscious," the nurse reported to the doctor.

His expression was grim after taking a look at Christian. "Prepare an operation room for him right away," he ordered the nurse standing beside him.

The nurse nodded and rolled the gurney away. I followed them as we went deeper into the hospital. I didn't know that we arrived at the operating room until the nurse stopped me at the entrance. "Please wait here."

"Please save him," I begged the nurse.

"We will do our best, miss." She pushed open the operation room doors and disappeared behind the double doors with Christian. A tiny lightbulb above the door lit up, displaying a bright red color. The surgery had started.

I sat down at one of the benches nearby and waited there anxiously for the next 2 hours.

The sound of heels coming down the long hallway got louder. I turned to look and saw Mr. and Mrs. Wright approaching me. I stood up and waited to greet them.

"You!!!!!" Christian's mother exploded furiously, pointing her finger at me. "Why does it always have to be you??? Always creating trouble for my son. I knew you were up to no good. Nothing, but trouble. Look at what you've done, are you happy now?!!?!"

I opened my mouth to say something but no words came out. Her words were harsh, but they were not wrong. It was totally my fault. Christian wouldn't have gotten hurt if it wasn't for me. If I didn't cross the street without him. If I didn't point out the hot chocolate stand. If I didn't suggest taking a walk after dinner, this would not have happened. He wouldn't be in that operation room, fighting to live. It was all my fault. I lowered my head and stared down at my feet, guilty.

"You have nothing to say this time?!?" she sneered.

I continued to look down at my feet.

"Susan, be quiet. This is a public place, don't create a scene. People will hear you," Christian's father hushed Christian's mother.

"But-" she argued.

"You can have this conversation later. What's important right now is our son," he reminded her. "Come on." He led her over to the benches across from me and sat down.

I did the same and sat back down. Mrs. Wright sent glares in my direction as I waited.

2 hours later....

The bright red light finally turned off. We all stood up and rushed over to the doors. Several minutes later, they slid open and a nurse rolled Christian out. I wanted to follow but then a middle-aged man in a white coat came out behind them. He must be the doctor, I thought to myself. I forced myself to stay to hear how he was.

"How is my son doing?" Christian's mother asked worriedly.

I hitched my breath and waited for his reply, hoping for good news.

"Good evening, I'm Dr. Barnes, the doctor in charge," he greeted. " Your son's surgery was very successful," he said with a small smile.

I let out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding and tears of happiness came down my face. Thank goodness he was okay. I didn't know how I was going to live if something happened to him because of me.

Dr. Barnes continued. "Although he is still in critical condition, it was quite a miracle that he made it. You have a strong son with a strong will to live. He must've been fighting to come back to see his parents and perhaps, this young lady too," he chuckled.

Mr. and Mrs. Wright were silent at the doctor's comment about me.

Dr. Barnes cleared his throat awkwardly and spoke again. "We are going to put him in the Intensive Care Unit for the next couple of days to observe how he's doing."

"Is it alright for us to transfer him to another hospital?" Christian's father asked. My guess was that he was going to bring Christian to a private hospital, hiring the best doctors in the world to cure his son.

"I'm afraid not," Dr. Barnes shook his head. "He is far too weak for a transfer. Our hospital offers VIP rooms for patients, if you are interested, feel free to ask the nurses at the front desk when you fill out the paperwork."

Christian's parents thanked Dr. Barnes before he left. As he walked past me, he gave a polite, but reassuring nod which made me feel a bit better.

When he was gone, Christian's mother turned to me, appalled to see me still here. "What are you still doing here?" she asked in disgust. "Do you not have shame?? Do you not feel a bit guilty for what you did to him?!?"

"I just needed to stay and see that he was okay," I said.

"No, what you need to do is leave him. Leave this country."

"I won't leave him. We love each other."

"Love?? Do you honestly think I'll ever approve of this relationship?? Ask yourself honestly, do you really think that you're good enough for my son?" she asked.

"I-I." Once again, I was speechless.

"There is a long line of sophisticated young ladies that are dying to marry my son. He doesn't need someone like you in his life. Why don't you just leave him? For both his sake and yours."

She was absolutely right. I had to leave him and bring my bad luck along with me. What if something like this happens again? I couldn't risk it. It was all my fault.

"Okay, I will leave," I agreed at last.

It was the first time I have seen her smile. "You've made a smart choice." She took out her checkbook like she did last time and wrote out a large amount of money onto the paper. She ripped it out and handed it to. This time I accepted it. "This should be enough for an airplane ticket and for settling for wherever you're planning to go."

"Thank you."

"Thank you for leaving him. He'll be safe now."

"Before I leave, could I take one last look at him?" I asked quietly.

She was quiet at first, but she nodded in agreement. "Go ahead since you won't be seeing each other again anyways."

I thanked her again and we walked together to Christian's hospital room.

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