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Cali's POV

I have always envied the happy endings in the fairy tales I've heard, the books I've read, and the dramas I've watched. And now I was living a happy ending of my own- something I thought would only happen in my dreams.


We had a simple yet elegant wedding a month later. I will never forget the moment when Christian slid a shiny ring onto my finger nor the moment I walked the aisle in a flowing, white wedding dress. We moved out of his apartment and into a double story house a few blocks away from the company. Then we went on a honeymoon to South Korea, another dream come true. We toured Seoul and visited the Lover's Locks at N Seoul Tower. We bought a lock of our own and locked it on there. "Christian ❤️ his personal secretary"

I thought the happiest day of my life was our wedding day when we exchanged our vows with each other. But then I saw those two lines. I was pregnant.

He came home from work that night and I handed a piece of paper to him.

On the paper, it read: Christian + Cali + 1

Christian's eyes widened in joy and pulled me into a hug.

Over the next couple of months, Christian always made sure his schedule allowed him time to accompany me to the doctor's office for checkups on our unborn baby. 

When the due date gradually grew closer, we could clearly see our baby on the ultrasound screen. From it, the doctor told us that it was going to be a girl with a congratulatory smile. 

I was rushed to the hospital when my water broke a few days early, before the due date, but our baby girl was brought into the world healthily and safely. Our bundle of joy was born on March 23rd at 7 pm. We named our little girl Christina after many nights of consideration.


5 years later...

It was Christina's bedtime. "Christina! It's time for you to sleep!"

"But Mommy, I'm not tired yet," she whined, stomping her feet onto the wooden floor.

Christina grew up so fast. She had hazel colored hair with bangs covering her forehead. She showered earlier and was dressed in her pajamas.

"It's not good for little kids to sleep late, sweetie." I held onto her tiny hands and led her into her blue wallpapered bedroom. I helped her up onto her bed and tucked her in. I leaned down and kissed her on the forehead and got up to leave when she called out, "Mommy, can you tell me a story?"

I went back and sat down beside her. "What story do you want to hear? Cinderella? Sleeping Beauty? How about Rapunzel?" I suggested with a smile. I had all the fairy tales memorized at the back of my head from the many times I told her it.

"No," Christina shook her head. "I want to hear how you and Daddy met." She flashed a dimpled smile at me.

I chuckled. "Alright. Where should I begin?"

Right when I was about to speak, Christian walked in. "Is my baby girl going to sleep already?"

"Daddy!!" Her eyes lit up in joy from seeing her dad. Christian was busy with his work and rarely had the time to play with her.

Christian gave me a quick peck on the cheek before walking over to Christina to ruffle her hair playfully. "Did you miss me, sweetheart?" He sat down by her legs.

She nodded. "Mommy was just about to tell me how you guys met," she said happily.

"Oh really?"

"Start the story, Mommy. I wanna hear it!" Christina laid back onto her pillow and looked at me expectantly. 

I felt Christian slip his fingers into mine as I began to tell her how we met.

"Well, it all started when......."


A/N: I hope this epilogue was good enough!! 😊😄😄😊

*Just to give a heads up for anyone interested, I'll be creating a new story soon. When it comes out, I hope that you'll give lots of love and support to it, just like you did to His Personal Secretary!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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