Chapter 7: On The Side Of The Angels

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Chapter 7: On The Side Of The Angels

(Author's Note: It's been forever since I've updated :( I was kinda on a writing spree when I made this series so I updated a lot lol. Not to mention Algebra class is kicking my butt **has short mental breakdown** anyway, enjoy :D -Bri*)

Brittany's POV:

(Picture of the Cape Hatteras Light House above. If the picture is not visible, please let me know.)

Keith takes the front and I stay in the back since we're the only two with guns. The sound of a snarl makes Dylan jump, but it's a good ways down the pipes.

We take a left and there's still no sign of the Infected. A few minutes later and I look to the left. We pass a decaying man leaned up against the pipe wall. He's splattered in blood and pieces of his flesh are missing.

I spot a knife laying by his side and I decide to take it and give it to Collin. I hate to say it but I don't think the man will miss it. We continue on and we're about to turn left when suddenly Keith comes to a halt and aims his gun.

At this angle I can't see it so I slowly come to the front. When I get there I spot an Infected man with his head down, back to us, and he's shaking badly. He must have recently been bitten. I motion for Collin to give me the knife and Keith takes it.

He grabs the pale skinned creature from behind and gets him in the throat with the knife. It was quiet, so hopefully none of the other Infected heard it.

Familiar black blood leaks from the infected man as he drops to the ground. Keith give the knife back to Collin and we continue on as I return to watching the back.

Just as we're about to make another turn, Keith throws his gun up and is about to shoot but Collin grabs his arm and shakes his head 'no.' A clicking noise comes from the direction Keith was aiming. Collin slowly pulls Keith back and they get out of the way as an Infected walks right past them.

It's blind. It looks like a Runner but it has spores growing all over it's face, making it unable to see. Not only that, but it clicks. It continues on its way and we do as well. After about half an hour of stealth killing Infected or avoiding the clicking ones, we make it to a large open tunnel. At the end of it is a large, round barred up opening.

"Help me lift it." Zoey whispers.

Mason, Keith and I decide to take over and do it ourselves. It takes all three of us to push forward and lift the heavy barred opening up about two feet. Zoey, Ally, Collin and Dylan climb out. Just as Zoey is about to grab the bars to let one of us out, my gun slips from my belt and goes off when it hits the ground with the loudest echo you ever heard.

Everyone freezes and listens. A loud scream echo's through the tunnel and Keith and I both say in unison, "Oh s***."

"Double time!" Zoey announces as she grabs the bars, allowing Mason to let go and slip out. They then hold the bars and I tell Keith to go. About four Infected round the corner and come running. I grab my gun after letting go of the door and slip out. Just as I slip out the bars slam shut and the Infected loses an arm that was directed for my leg.

They all scream and reach for us through the bars, trying to get to us.

I turn around and see we're on the coast line standing in the sand. Looking far off to the right, I see a bridge that will shield us from the rain and we take off running for it.

"The light house should be about a day that way," Keith points left once we're under the bridge.

"If Talon is alive, that's where he should be." Zoey comments.

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