Chapter 20: Imperium

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Chapter 20: Imperium

(Author's Note: Doing research on the Military has always interested me for some reason. I have to do it quite a bit in this book. I've always thought of joining but I'd be leaving behind just a bit more than I'm willing to sacrifice, including my writing... Anyway, enough of my ranting: This is a bit of a filler chapter but it has a lot of important info.)

Britt's POV:

"No! No, no, no!" I gasp to myself as I bolt past the flying bullets and hide behind the wall of the home of the private estate.

I take a deep breath and clutch my automatic in my hands; they're actually not as heavy as I thought they would be. The day before yesterday was my first time to use one, or even hold one.

"Come on," I breathe in and let it out, "Relax, it's no different than the experiment."

I round the corner and let out a spray of bullets towards the mans way, successfully hitting him. I hide behind the brick wall again and try to calm my adrenaline. The virus inside of me has gotten to the point to where when my adrenaline pumps too fast, it will try to turn me.

I bolt towards an abandoned car for cover, but as I pass a building an arm swings out and hits me in the front of my helmet that was protecting my face. The impact sends me flying backwards and my back roughly hits the ground.

The enemy Soldier aims his gun but I throw my foot up and it flies out of his hands. Before I can get up he jumps on top of me to make sure he keeps the upper hand.

A yell-like groan leaves my throat when he pins his arm across my chest. His knife drives into what feels like my lung and I let out a scream.

"Call it! Call it!" I scream and the pain immediately goes away.

The Soldier, Smith, gets off of me and extends his hand.

I prop myself up on my elbows and push the button on the side of my helmet, making the bullet proof glass in front of my face pull upwards and disappear.

I glare at him both out of joke and seriousness. That was the fourth time he's gotten me.

"Oh, come on, don't be like that, you just need a bit more combat training. Your shooting is excellent. Want to reset the simulator?" He offers. I take his hand and shake my head, wiping the sweat off of my neck, "I'm exhausted. I think I'm just going to visit Talon's dorm and see how his sim went."

A large beeping sounds and I look up to see the fake sky disappear like someone was wiping it away with a rag, nothing but grey and black cubes replacing it. This place is like a huge tent; a simulator.

The "bullets" that I was shooting with were actually a neon green color, they were holograms. When they hit the specially designed suit that I'm wearing it creates the feeling of actual pain. Like the knife; the handle was real but the blade was a neon green color and it caused pain when it hit me. Mom told me that they haven't quite learned how to fix the weird green color of the weapons, though.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow." He say's, picking up his sim weapon and leaving.

"Hopefully not." I grumble under my breath as I walk to the changing room.

Mom had decided that all of us needed to be in combat training. I have no problem sniping and going into a structure silently, using stealth. But when we're forced to go in guns blaring, I can never manage to make it all the way through. The first time, the virus forced me to call it so I could calm down, all of the other three times, I was "killed."

That was the second time Smith has gotten me. From what I've heard, I just need to work on my physical combat. I roll my eyes as I slip the headband-like helmet off of my head. It goes on just like a hard metal headband, and when it's on for a few seconds, it tightens to fit your head. When you push the button the actual protection, the bullet proof glass, comes down over your face.

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