Chapter 5 New Girl

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You awoke the next morning to the sound of birds chirping happily. You sat up and swung your legs over the side of your bed. It seemed like it would be quite a nice day; the sun was shining, the birds were singing, something was burning...

'Wait what?!' You thought and quickly ran out of your room and down the stairs. Once downstairs, you quickly rounded a corner and heard shouts.

"Ryuzaki you idiot! You can't just leave them on the stove!" One of them said.

Your pace slowed as the angry voice continued to yell. You peaked your head around the corner and nearly yelled at the detective yourself. Many drawers and cabinets were left open, along with some of their contents sprawled everywhere, and batter covered the walls, floor, table, and basically everything in sight. Black smoke filled the kitchen and two figures stood by the stove, one frantically trying to stop the smoke and the other just stood there.

"What in the world happened in here?" You questioned while waving the smoke out of your face.

"Ryuzaki, here, decided to leave the pancakes that we were going to eat this morning on the stove with the heat on high!" Figure 1 said, who you soon recognized as an unchained Light.

"Ryuzaki you can't just leave pancakes on the stove. They won't cook by themselves," you scolded. L opened his mouth to say something but slowly shut it, deciding that it was best not to talk back. You sighed and opened a window to let some of the smoke out of the room.

"I'm surprised the smoke detector didn't-"


"Go off..." You finished as water rained down on the three of you. Your pajama shirt stuck to your skin and your (h/c) hair was drenched. You groaned and squished up to your room to change, unaware of the two boys that were blushing like mad at the sight your wet clothes had allowed them to see.

~~~time skip brought to you by dancing strawberries~~~

You were back downstairs and saw that the two guys had cleaned up the large mess in the kitchen. The elevator dinged, signaling that someone had arrived at the floor you were currently on. The elevator doors opened as Misa stepped out. She giggled like a small child and skipped over to you.

"Why such an angry face (y/n)-chan?" She said and lightly tapped your nose.

'For starters you're here,' you thought but replied simply. "Ryuzaki blew up some pancakes and caused the sprinklers to go off so I, along with my pajamas, got soaked."

The blonde gasped, "oh no! Is my Light ok?"

"Really, that's what you got out of the story?" You mumbled.

"Oh Light! Are you ok?" Misa screeched and locked her arms around the poor boy that had just entered the room.

"I'm... Fine..." He breathed out as the girl squeezed him.

"Ryuzaki you should really be more careful, the whole building could have exploded!" Misa said, holding up her pointer finger, "and if the building would have exploded I wouldn't have been able to introduce you all to my friend Ilene!" She said motioning to a girl you hadn't seen come in. ((If your name is Ilene just think of another name)) The girl was about Misa's height with long brown hair and bright green eyes. Her attire was only a pink shirt and a ruffled, white skirt with white flats to match. She also had a golden heart necklace and carried a black purse. She was very pretty, you had to admit. Ilene smiled and waved slightly. You all greeted her except L.

"Ilene, is that you?" Ryuzaki asked, his full attention on the new girl.

"L?" She questioned back as she squinted her eyes. Her face lit up with joy as she hugged L tightly, which he returned. "Oh my gosh it's been years! I can't believe I didn't recognize you!"

L smiled slightly, "how've you been plum princess?"

The two parted and the brunette lightly punched Ryuzaki on the arm. "Don't bring up that nickname! It took me so long to get everyone to stop calling me that!" She giggled.

Ilene and L continued talking while Light was dragged into the elevator by his girlfriend. You stood there watching the two friends chat on and on about things you couldn't hear. You really couldn't hear anything at the moment; everything was kind of a muffled sound. You felt uneasy as you watched the pair talk. L was smiling and even laughing as their conversation deepened and soon, they left so Ryuzaki could take Ilene on a tour of the building. You couldn't help but feel as if you were invisible next to the new girl...

'He's just excited that his old friend is here that's all... It doesn't mean anything.' You thought, trying to calm yourself down.

You really had no idea what to do. The Task Force was busy working on the case and trying their best to keep you out of the commotion, Light was pulled off somewhere with Misa, and Ilene was with L going who knows where, doing who knows what. You sighed and sat on a roller chair, spinning round and round until you got dizzy then doing it again. Today was going to be a long day.

~~~A few hours later~~~

Giggling could be heard as you opened up a cherry sucker, plopping it into your mouth as you clicked on a new episode of (your favorite tv show) on your computer. Someone passed by you swiftly and grabbed something from the candy cart. You paused the video and turned to see L walking away.

"Hey Ryuzaki!" You called out to him. The man turned slightly to look at you. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?"

"I'm taking Ilene out to eat for lunch," he replied and continued walking away. The tug at your heart came again, only a little harder this time.

"Whatever," you mumbled to yourself and pressed play.

Someone's jeeeealooooous.

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        ~Addymac ;3

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