Chapter 15 The Plan Revealed

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The sleepover had just been a cover in order to investigate the odd notebook further, but you found yourself actually having fun. It had been so long since you had time to hang out with another person that you found as a friend. It was a weird feeling, being able to laugh until your sides hurt or talk about girlish things that you never were able to tell anyone. You felt as though Misa and yourself had come closer. She practically seemed like your best friend. You were happy that you finally were able to be friends with another girl after so long, but you were also quite sad that you could lose her if she was the second Kira.

"Oh this guy is one of my favorite actors! I even got to meet him one time!" The girl squealed, taking you away from your thoughts. She was pointing to some guy in a magazine.

"Oh yeah I've seen that guy before. He was on Heartless Angels rights?" The girl nodded in response and smiled at you, causing you to smile back. But something... just didn't seem quite right in her eyes. Her eyes seemed to be glazed over by something troubling her.

"Misa, is something bothering you?"

"Huh? Oh no! I'm perfectly fine! hehehe!"


Misa sighed and averted her eyes. She remained silent for some time, probably thinking about if she should tell you about her problem or not. Finally, she turned to look at you and stared deeply into your eyes, a very serious expression on her face. "(y/n), I trust you."

You tilted your head to the side slightly in confusion and watched as she got up and walked over to her writing desk. She shuffled some papers around and pulled out the black book you had seen earlier. She then made her way over to you and sat back down.

"(y/n) do you know what this is?"

You shook your head no and tried to remain calm as you watched the monster, Rem, from earlier float/fly to the girl's side.

"(y/n) I've been keeping a secret from you and I don't want to keep it a secret anymore," she started. "I know you found the book earlier and I know you can see Rem now. Don't be afraid please, Rem won't harm you."

You watched as the shinigami nodded slowly, still not showing even the slightest emotion. Misa began telling you about the shinigami who saved her life and how she came to find a death note, as well as how she met Light and why she was helping him. "I... I don't want to kill you... But you aren't supposed to know about this book..."

You shuffled away from the girl. 'She's going to kill me... Misa is going to kill me..."

"(Y/n)-chan please don't be scared! I'm not going to kill you!"

"You're not...?"

Misa shook her head and placed the Death Note next to her. "You're my new best friend. I couldn't kill you... But you can't tell Light that you know. He might try to kill you if he thinks you're in his way..."

You started to try and piece together all the information that'd been dumped on you. Misa and Light are the Kiras. You have all the information and evidence now to lock them away for good but... What would happen if you were to tell everyone back at head quarters about all of this? After all, Light still had the other book and possibly had a plan just in case the TASK Force decided to investigate him even further.

'But wait. Light had seemed a bit different lately. More focused on trying to find who Kira was rather than keeping to himself. He was more interested in the case, more persistent. Come to think of it, Misa was acting different too, that is until the odd incident that happened an hour or so ago. Is it possible that something made them forget that they were Kira? Can that even happen?'

"Misa, I need you to tell me what happened when you started screaming earlier."

Misa paused to think. "I don't remember screaming, but I do remember that I got all of my memories back suddenly. It was apart of Light's plan to erase our memory for a little while and when he got his Death Note back we would get our memories again." Misa's eyes lightened up and a smile formed on the girl's lips as she cheered, "that means that Light got his Death Note! He won! We won! We can finally be together forever!"

"You won?" You questioned.

The smile she had been flashing immediately wiped off of her face when she looked back at you. "Oh... Oh no... I'm sorry (y/n)... I forgot..."

Your mind filled with worry at Misa's words. "What is it..."

"(Y/n)..." The girl stood up from the bed and rushed towards the door. "Stay here. I'm going to see if there's another way around this!" And with that, she slammed the door behind her and disappeared into the night, leaving you in confusion.

"Rem... What's going on?"

"Light is going to kill L," the shinigami stated. The world around you seemed to stop as Rem's words echoed over and over.

"W-what..." Your voice shook.

"It is as I told you. L will die tonight." Tears welled in your eyes as you turned to look at Rem. The shinigami was surprisingly close to you, causing you to jump a little. Its boney fingers touched the few stray tears on your cheeks. "I've never understood human emotion. Your kind is so confusing," Rem retracted her hand and backed away from your face. "But there are times when shinigami can feel the same as you."

You looked at the death God in confusion, "I don't understand."

"If a shinigami falls in love with a human and does something to save that specific human, the shinigami will turn to dust and never live again." You watched as Rem reached out and grabbed the Death Note on Misa's bed. "Take this to your investigators, but don't say anything about Light and Misa being Kira. I will save your precious L if it will save the life of Misa."

"But how does saving L save Misa?"

"You're her only friend. What do you think will happen after Misa finds out Light was in love with you the whole time and not her?"

You went silent for a moment, knowing very well what the consequences of losing a friend and a lover at the same time may do to Misa. "You really love her don't you?" You said quietly.

"I never trusted Light Yagami."

"Thank you Rem," you said and hugged the shinigami.

Rem's eyes widened but she didn't move an inch. You then hurried out of the mansion and towards the TASK Force tower to save L.

'Please be alive.'


I think this was a bad chapter.
I messed this up a little bit but I think I fixed the problem. So if you're reading this and have no idea what problem I'm talking about then YESSSSSSSSS I FIXED IT.

Anyway, sorry for the monthlong wait. Again. I'm an awful human being. Please love me ;-;


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