Chapter 10 Day With L

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--Your P.O.V.--
A week has passed since L and I shared how we felt about each other. Everything kinda just went back to normal; the Task Force continued with the murder mystery, Light was chained to L, Misa checked in on the two boys every 10 seconds to see if she could take a turn being chained to Light,  I don't really know what happened with Ilene but she stopped visiting, and I... To be honest I haven't really done anything. I'm not allowed to be in a serious Kira conversation, nor am I allowed to really be on the case anymore, and I haven't left the tower so... Yeah, everything is basically the same.

--Normal Style P.O.V.  o(ω' )o--

You and L, who had left Light chained to a chair, were walking down one of the long hallways to his bedroom. L insisted for you and him to have the evening to yourselves. You suggested on having a movie night and the boy agreed. It was funny that you had known L for so long, yet not once have you stepped into his room. Heck, you didn't even know which room was his! You both stopped as the detective unlocked his room and lead you inside, closing the door behind you.
     L's room was somewhat like how you pictured it. The walls were white accompanied by a black ceiling fan and curtains. To the left was the bed which had a black covering and a dark wooded mantle. A few newspaper pages and other papers were pinned on the wall beside his bed.  You chuckled seeing your simple drawing pinned in the very center of all the paper. Beside the bed was a small, black nightstand with a clock, a lamp, and a few candy wrappers on it. Across from the bed was a medium-sized TV that sat on a black dresser. Near the closet, in the back of the room, was a brown desk that had pens, pencils, paper, markers, and even more wrappers spread all over it. L was already on his bed and had the remote to turn on the tv.

"Come on (y/n), it's alright for you to sit down," he said patting a spot beside him.

You nodded and sat beside Ryuzaki, leaning your head on his shoulder as his arm wrapped around your waist. As the movie started your hand moved to find his, intertwining your fingers once you found it. You smiled to yourself and enjoyed the movie.

~~~time skip with a dancing Ryuk~~~

You woke up the next morning feeling well rested. Your eyes slowly opened as you became aware of a warmth beside you. You rolled over and came face to face with an adorable sleeping L. A few locks of his black hair were flopped over his eyes. His mouth was slightly parted, allowing a quiet snoring to escape his mouth. You bit your lip to keep your squeals of overexposure to cuteness from waking him up. Only then did you notice his arms lightly draped around your body. You blushed and tried to get out of his reach so you could get ready for the day. You had almost slipped out of the detective's arms when he mumbled sleepily and pulled you as close as possible to his own body.

"Dang it Ryuzaki," you whispered and giggled to yourself.  An idea then popped into your head. It was very random but you just had to do it.

'I have to. Just once. I have to,' you thought and gently tapped the tip of Ryuzaki's nose. 'Boop'

The raven haired man smiled and kissed the top of your head, not once opening his eyes, "you're adorable."

You blushed slightly, "you were awake?"

"Mhm," he hummed, "about around the time you tried to leave the bed."

"Oh," was all you said as you laid your head in the crook of his neck.

"Let's go somewhere today," L suggested, finally opening up his eyes.

"Where?" You asked, not moving an inch.

"I don't know, wherever you want I suppose."

You thought for a moment before your face lit up. You brought yourself eye level to the tired boy. "There's an aquarium in the city! Can we go there? Pleeease? I haven't visited one in so long," you pleaded.

Ryuzaki chuckled, "alright."

~~~time skip~~~

The two of you walked around the aquarium, L smiling slightly at your excited state. You had basically pulled him around the whole time, oooing and aahing at the colorful sea creatures.

"Look at how big this fish is!" You exclaimed, running up to the large tank filled with all sorts of sea animals: sharks, sting rays, large fish, octopi, ((or octopuses, whichever you prefer)) etc.

You were currently looking at a large, black fish that decided to come close to the window. "He's following me!" You giggled as you paced back and forth with the fish swimming along with you.

"I do believe that he's attracted to you," L responded.

"Are you jealous?" You asked and turned to wiggle your eyebrows at your boyfriend.

"Oh yes, very. You need to stay away from that fish," he joked in his normal monotoned voice while walking over to you, lacing his fingers with yours.

"Thanks for taking me to the aquarium," you said smiling.

L then gave you a peck on the lips, "you're welcome."


Short chapter with you and L together! You're both so CUUUTE AGH IM GONNA EXPLODE!
*:.. o(≧▽≦)o ..:*

(Y/n): L, what's wrong with her?

L: *shivers* she's a fangirl

(Y/n): oh...

Both: slowly walk away

author: nooooo don't leave meeeeeeh :(

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